the Rift

Full Version: Adopt/kill a foal?
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I don't have the energy to keep up with all my characters, so I'm looking for a new player for Van.

Son of Erthë and Volterra, twin to Alvah.  
One of the first foals born in the Rift.
He's got some health issues
Has a trial underway
Undeveloped personality
Unipeg Hybrid, ibex horns & batwings
Has art (not much, but decent refs at least)

Whoever adopts him will be free to do whatever with him, consider him yours.

I'll leave this up for a week or so. If no one wants him by then, he will also be one of the first kids who dies in the Rift.

Do you have a character who delights in killing kids? You won't get any RF out of it, but plenty of drama as Erthë and Vol will have your head for it <3
This guy sounds like lots of fun! I'd be willing to take a stab at play him but I am not always reliably active so, maybe wait and see if others are interested...
You're welcome to have him! I'll pm you the password :)
Oh, ok if you are sure you don't want to wait. Thanks! :)