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Ennunyenda How I would have fought this - Printable Version

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How I would have fought this - Rixen - 03-28-2018

Rise and rise again until lambs become lions;
Each plume of my breath billowed out, then quickly evanesced in the cool morning air. This was another part of the Rift I'd never ventured to before. I'd traveled through the Green Labyrinth's winding maze to reach this strange place, where I was to carry out the final leg of my task. Before me, the forest thinned out, revealing a large mass of dark-colored rock. This wasn't like the runes at Siren's Summit, though. In the center was a gaping mouth draped with moss, with jagged rocks for teeth. I came to a halt a short distance from the entrance, looking on with a mixture of awe and nerves. Though I'd never seen Ennunyenda before, instinct told me that this was the place. What awaited me inside? Without venturing any further, I tried to peer in and see how far the tunnel went, but doing so was impossible as the tunnel was dimly lit, and from what I could tell, it almost immediately curved to the right. I half-dreaded the moment when I would have to pass through the arch into the claustrophobic dank, river-smelling darkness (Oh, I forgot to mention that a strange stench leaked from the mouth as would foul breath). So I stood there in front of the cave's entrance, silver-tipped ears flicking back and forth, contemplating my next move. On the breeze, words seemed to travel: do not be afraid.  



Open to anyone :D

RE: How I would have fought this - Aurelia - 03-30-2018

It was Rixen, she was sure of it. Or was she? The air was thick with drugs, the kind of drugs that leave you thoughtless and numb. She had been here before once, heavily pregnant and high as a kite. She'd come back just to come back and not for any real reason but when the drugs began affecting her, a calm sort of vibe drifted over her, leaving her pleasantly content. She narrowed her eyes as she stood watching Maybe Rixen. The spots all seemed to be Rixen's and the horns and the colors and the build... it had to be him. After contemplating what to do for an eternity and feeling unbelievably awkward while under the influence of the drugs in the fog, she eventually decided that it was Rixen and that she wanted to speak to him.

Moving forward was hard, her muscles sluggish and her mind more so. It was as if she could feel every single molecule in her body- as if she could count each one of them. Her wings, tucked neatly away at her flank, felt warm and cozy. Her mane dancing along her neck tickled her, causing her to giggle now and then. Eventually, she is able to reach Rixen (she's sure it's him now). A nicker leaves her lips, and though it is somewhat goofy-sounding and rough, it's a form of greeting that is sure to be heard and aknowledged by the boy.

"Watcha lookin' at?" Her voice was bright, yet somewhat slurred. Genuinly curious, she tried to edge right up next to him, literally only inches away. Continuing, her voice floats into the air in a more sober fashion. "Are you ever going to go in?" She attempts to nudge him forth with her pink, whiskered snout. She was never really afraid of Rixen and had no qualms about touching him (especially now that she was far from sober). Should he grow annoyed by her attempted touch, she more than likely would not even notice and definitely wouldn't care.

light is easy to love
show me your darkness
image || coding

RE: How I would have fought this - Rixen - 03-30-2018

Rise and rise again until lambs become lions;
I whipped around at the sound of a voice. Behind me stood a grey pegasus mare, adorned with golden detailing, staring at me with a strange expression that made it impossible to tell what she was thinking. Great. She’d definitely seen me standing here, mulling over the consequences of venturing into a cave, looking like an idiot. I wanted to greet her, address her by her name, but no name came to mind. Despite knowing she was familiar, I couldn’t recall who she was or where we’d met before. You know her. Think. And when that achieved no results, my internal voice rose to a shout: think harder! By the way the stranger addressed me, she definitely knew me. And yet she was as easy to grasp as an early memory, something instantly forgotten.  

Nothing came to mind. Not. One. Word. 

Though no voice escaped my lips, I faced Aurelia with my mouth gaping, as if I were about to greet her. Snapping my jaw shut for a moment, I swallowed, choosing what to say with utmost care. This process happened only with immense difficulty, as my mind began to fog up, like a hazy cloud had covered up the workings of my brain, slowing the rapidity of synapses to a fraction of their normal speed. The effects of Ennunyenda were unbeknownst to me, for no one had ever informed me of the opium-filled air in the caverns and the surrounding area. I expected that whatever was happening to me was instead caused by the forces of the Rift, similar to how they’d compelled me to lash out at an innocent child I’d never met before. With this in mind, I tried to resist the groggy feeling that was beginning to envelop my senses, but it was to no avail. 

Without asking her name, for by now the gases had robbed me entirely of the thought to do so, I answered dumbly. "I don’t know.” My voice dissipated in the air, and I simply held my ground, confused but trying not to let my expression give it away. "Yeah… I guess.” I responded when she asked me whether or not I was going to go in. It was a good question. The question I was thinking but of course, never said aloud. The opium-rich air trickling from the rocky entrance filled my lungs, and eventually I’d forgotten why I was even here. Something about the Rift and- what did it matter? I was going in. When Aurelia gently nudged me forward, I did not resist, instead taking several slow steps toward the cave. Turning my head back, my now filmy green gaze scanned her, again. If you looked close enough, you’d probably be able to see that my head was light and fluffy, stuffed with clouds. “Are you coming?” I questioned, almost demandingly.  



Oh, I forgot to mention Rixen has lost his ability to recognize people xD

RE: How I would have fought this - Aurelia - 03-30-2018

Gone was her caution and vigilance. She wasn't looking out for herself at all, which left her horribly unprotected and vulnerable. Drugs could do that to a horse, but it was also that fact that she had already met Rixen and he'd been fine with everything she'd said or done (or at least it seemed that way). As she bumps him with her snout, she is fully unaware he does not remember her. She is not easily forgotten so why would she ever assume such is the case in this situation? She wouldn't.

It seems the opium-laced air has gotten to the boy's mind, as his answers are rather uninformtive and strange, but she cannot quite say for certain that it is the drugs making him act this way rather him just being a little quiet and unrevealing today. The only certainty was that she was definitely feeling it. It felt good. Like cotton candy and rainbows and unicorns (but the fanciful, elegant ones, not the ones from Helovia that were all racist and arrogant).

She doesn't notice he has begun moving into the cave until he turns back to her and snaps out a question. Her golden eyes widen momentarily, overwhelmed by the question that seemed to demand an instant and absolute answer. Her mind was a groggy mess at this point, but she knew she had to answer quickly as he just watched her and waited. She begins stirring once more, her legs carrying her stocky body forward, silently answering his question- yes.

As she slips through the entrance of the cave, everything is suddenly dark and dim. The sparkles that dotted her elegantly when she had stood in the sun begin fading in the cool shade of the cave, dependant on light to function and thrive. "Let's go deeper," she offers calmly, truly intrigued at how deep the cave system here went. When she'd been here last she simply lurked by the entrance and rode the high with a horse she'd just met, but now wa different. Now she was used to the high and was excited to truly explore the area.

light is easy to love
show me your darkness
image || coding

RE: How I would have fought this - Rixen - 03-30-2018

Rise and rise again until lambs become lions;
At first, I was unsure whether she was planning to go into the cave, or if she’d simply come here to admire it from afar. As if surprised, her gaze stretched wider, but there appeared not to be excessive thought or emotion behind them - only drugs. When she finally stepped forward, though, I was glad to see that the mare at last followed me. 

Consumed by the high and the strange Rift disease that had stolen my memories, my legs carried me forward, all the way up to the rocky entrance, and then they led me inside. It was dank and the only sounds were dripping water and my own echoing hoofsteps. Aurelia was not too far away, but i hardly noticed her as we travelled deeper and deeper into the tunnel. Here, where the air was heavy with opium, far more so than outside, I was vaguely aware of my body feeling warmer, and somewhat relaxed. At the same time, my thoughts my mind raced at speeds impossible to someone not under the influence of these Ennunyenda drugs. Strangely, my eyes felt almost, heavy. Not my eyelids, my eyes themselves. My vision became distorted in a very subtle but noticeable way, reduced, yet everything almost looked sort of fish-eyed and blurred out on the sides. Upon moving my antlered head to examine the rocky walls, my vision moved slower than I perceived my head moving, lagging behind. The world came to me in pictures. I wasn’t seeing the moving world, but rather everything was a collection of pictures spaced half a second apart. 

More than anything, I felt weird, in a way I’d never experienced before. It was kind of nice, actually, in the beginning. Like I was a child again, and everything was strange and I was discovering it all for the first time. 

All signs of life had temporarily vanished in the tunnels. The absence of light meant the absence of its sustaining touch. Beneath my hooves, the loose stones shifted, and combined with the impairments of the drugs, caused me to stumble every now and again, and the noise of those disturbed rocks reverberated off the dense stone walls. As we drew further into the cave, the sound of water dripping into water grew louder. Without fire to cast light into the black, however, there was no way to tell where the sound was coming from, or if there was a large body of water. There was no telling how deep it might or if my next step would take me into its frigid depths. If the water was deep enough, might I drown, too silly to save myself? This struck a new fear into me, heightened by the effects of the opium-rich air, but I made no mention of it. The sense of worry, put through a million amplifiers and distortion pedals, plagued my mind, but I was determined to continue forward, nodding in agreement when Aurelia suggested we do so.

Light, day, sun, even the moon held no sway or meaning in this place, where time seemed to stand still until we either turned around and retraced our steps or found a way out. Ahead, I could see that the tunnel twisted to the side, in a way that made it impossible to judge what lay beyond. Curiosity commanded my actions, and at last the sound of my voiced filled the tunnel."What do you think is ahead, just around that far does this go?" Wondering aloud as we walked, I was unaware that like Aurelia’s, my words were slurring together. They came out slowly, but this time their speed wasn’t due to consideration. 




RE: How I would have fought this - Aurelia - 03-30-2018

He asked her what she thought was beyond the bend. She shrugged. "No idea," she offered rather uselessly. He was making small talk, but Aurelia was honestly too under the influence to truly aknowledge and respond to what he was saying. She did, however, note the way that his voice slurred and moved like liquid from his mouth- not singular words strung together in a sentence, but rather one long word composed of several different ones.

Even in her high state she was ever curious. She wanted to know what was around the corner as much as he did- a lot. She heard distant sounds echoing through the caves and tunnels, sounds spanning over the web-like network of interconectedness. She was sure if she screamed right now, someone miles away in the tunnels (should they extend that far) would hear. The echoes of sounds were creepy, but she paid no real mind to them- she couldn't, she was too high.

"Whatever it is," she began softly. "I hope it's a source of light." Of all the things she wanted, she wanted light. Her eyes were doing a poor job adjusting to the dramatic darkness so she could not really see anything. She continued following him obediently, both enjoying some sort of company but also dying to know what lay deeper in the darkness.

Randomly, and with no warning, she halted. The sounds of her hoof beats of the gravel and stones underfoot ceased as an ohhhh flew out of her mouth. She eyed him, making sure he was far enough out of the way as her flesh began heating, the ends of each singular hair on her entire body igniting. In seconds, she was fully enveloped in flames. The cave was large enough where they wouldn't die from smoke inhalation and though it made everything around them a few degrees hotter, they could finally see. On her lips formed another goofy smile. And though she couldn't see him properly through all the flames and smoke that billowed off of her, she hoped he was happy. "I made light!!" She would've pushed past him and led the way (because what real sense is having a source of light if it is behind you) but she was worried that she would burn him, which alone was unusual for her, and she was honestly just too high to suggest it.

The light, at least for Aurelia, was extremely comforting. Fire made her feel safe and at home. Not to mention, should something see them it would probably not want to attack them. What sort of moron attacks something fully engulfed in flames? And though the fire made a wide variety of creepy shadows that danced along the divets in the walls and floors, she felt as though it made everything overall better. So, why not stay lit and continue forth?

light is easy to love
show me your darkness
image || coding

RE: How I would have fought this - Rixen - 03-31-2018

Rise and rise again until lambs become lions;
"Me either." The pegasus didn’t seem to have any answer, and I didn’t seem to care much that she didn’t, probably because of my intoxicated state. Perhaps it might have mattered to me more under normal circumstances, but instead, I found myself shrugging alongside Aurelia. We’d just have to forge ahead and find out. And that was exactly what we did. Not once did the thought of turning back even cross my mind, even though an eternity might pass before we came across anything or anyone of interest. 

Each step brought me further and further into the dark depths of this tunnel. It was really kind of an eerie place, completely silent aside from the sounds of our movements in the still air, quickly sucked into nothingness. Ennunyenda was as mysterious as any other place in the Rift, but I didn’t think I liked it as much, even if the opium-induced euphoria washed away most of my troubles. I’d rather have the bad parts of life than this false feeling of never ending happiness that clouded my ability to see or feel or properly think. Yet I was compelled to continue on and do as the Rift told me, even with this stranger by my side, because at this point my mind was so detached from my body that even if it tried to resist the will of my legs my efforts would be futile.

She mentioned that she hoped whatever we found was a source of light, and only a few words were spent to convey my agreement. "Light would make for a pleasant discovery." Come to think of it, I’d also be glad if we were to come across one. What if this cave had features that went unnoticed in the absence of light? My vision was impaired not only by the high, but by the darkness. Every now and then I would scrape against the rocky wall, sometimes with enough force to make skin tear. I was pretty sure that there was blood dripping down my left side, and if any pain accompanied the wound, it could hardly be felt. 

The walls had grown rather narrow, just enough for us to fit comfortably side by side. It was necessary to duck every now and then, as the concavity of the ceiling changed. Without any notice, Aurelia came to an abrupt halt. Before my mind registered what was happening, we collided shoulders, as there had hardly been any room between us in the first place. My reaction was delayed a few seconds, and arrived with a simple "Sorry." There was no substance behind the apology. Instead, a combination of surprise and instinct that prompted me to utter the word, after which I stepped forward a few steps. At the same time, Aurelia moved into a larger space in the rock that was not yet visible.

Then the tunnel became illuminated. It was the stranger, who had suddenly lit up in flames. At first I was confused, unsure whether or not she was actually on fire and needed saving. But she seemed comfortable and therefore the flames must not have been harmful. The glowing embers leaped and twirled in a fiery dance, twinkling like stars across the mare’s body. The air around us was no longer cold, albeit slightly smoky from the burning. I could see far better now, even though it was difficult to focus on certain things. "At least now we can see where we are going." I remarked, cranking my head around to see if there was anything of interest within view. The light bathed everything in a pleasant glow. Fire reminded me of someone else I knew, but I couldn’t recall her name or exactly what she looked like. After watching her blaze for a few moments, a lopsided smile appeared on my features. "It is nice. I’ve never seen someone become fire before. How do you do it?"




RE: How I would have fought this - Aurelia - 04-01-2018

Her fire makes her her. Should she begin controling water, an element she was truly afraid of for the first 4-5 years of her life, it would be random and unfitting. As the flames lick and kiss her skin, a sense of ease washes over the mare. Her fire bathing her body had never felt so good, and although this was probably from the drugs, the mare silently declared it was because she hadn't used her fire in so long. She had been a good girl for the Rift so far, but her chaotic ways were always with her. It was in her veins to grow bored of structure and organization and sanity. It was in her veins to cause chaos.

He comments that the fire is nice, and Aurelia nods her head vigorously, agreeing wholeheartedly. Fire was mean and destructive, relentless and unbearable in every way, but here in the dark, damp cave, they both found solace in it. Aurelia and fire had never been a combination that others had refered to as nice, but as the word registered in her opium-infused mind, she began feeling the beginnings of a very foreign emotion- acceptance. "Thank you," she replies in a whisper, one he probably could not even hear over the crackling of the fire. After just a breath, she begins speaking again, this time louder and with a certainty to be heard. "I lived in this land known as Helovia for 8 years before coming here. It was a beautiful land. Helovia loved magic," she said with a hint of nostalgia in her words. Helovia had been unlike the Rift in every way. "There was no 'broken' magic like here, there was no stealing magic, there was none of that." It'd truly been a magic-positive place, the opposite of the Rift. "Well, anyways, the land had gifted me this magic for, I believe, it knew I needed it." He wouldn't understand what she meant by 'needed it,' who would? Aurelia had been down a dark path. She felt neglected and abandoned and so supremely unwanted that at one point she had walked into a deep pool of water with no expectation of returning. She never vocally asked for help from anyone, but everything she did was a huge cry for help. When no one helped her, Helovia did. She had been walking along Thistle Meadow one day when a blast of heat soared through her veins, ingniting her in fire. This was when her purpose was born. This was when she became a mare of fire.

"Unfortunately, however, when I got here, the portal-monster stripped me of this magic and told me that to get it back, I would have to collect the blood of my heart's desire." She is rambling now, but it feels right so she continues. "I got the blood and then I got my magic." The way she put it sounded morbid. She hadn't killed anyone, she simply got the blood from a strangers open wounds. "Why don't you trial for magic?" She inquired, their steps leading them further and further into the labyrinth of caves. They were lost and did not even know it.

lol aurelia took this a very unexpected way

light is easy to love
show me your darkness
image || coding

RE: How I would have fought this - Rixen - 04-04-2018

Rise and rise again until lambs become lions;
Time passed, and I watched her blaze. Being high made it all the more mesmerizing, and I couldn’t help but stare at the orange flames and watch them leap and dance like hundreds of tiny beings with minds of their own. We stood alone in a place dark as night, bright colours dancing, tattooing then changing before my eyes. I observed, each time I watched the flames leap and hiss, always reaching feverishly out for something, trying desperately to grab and hold onto his fleeting shadow. And oh, how beautifully they swayed, beckoning me, enticing me, and each time my gaze flitted away before creeping back again.

The stranger might have noticed the intensity in my eyes, but whether or not she did was no matter to me. What I was most interested in was how she could burn and burn and burn and simply stand there, unfeeling. Wouldn’t it hurt? The stranger didn’t flinch. Instead, she looked quite relaxed, basking in the heat of her own light. However, the idea of simply burning in comfort did not sit well with me, and the fact that Aurelia didn’t seem to mind did not stop my thoughts from racing back and forth between whether or not I should try to inform her that, well, being on fire was a dangerous thing. Fire was...bad. Right? It was death. It was a wave, a smouldering storm, rolling in on itself, undulating like some grotesque creature hellbent on murdering anything in its wake. But perhaps all I’d been taught about fire was wrong. Perhaps fire didn’t have to be a force of destruction. After the flames were extinguished, Aurelia would likely be left without a trace of them anywhere on her body. She’d shrug it off, as if she hadn’t been spontaneously combusting moments before, and not an ash in sight. This notion was curious and confusing and so extraordinarily fascinating to my drugged mind. My internal monologue had gained a mind of its own and is was taking the lead in the conversation with myself. Suddenly, I could spend hours upon hours mulling over even the simplest of concepts, discussing them in my head without ever becoming bored.

It was true, the warmth was comforting in the black depths of this tunnel. Aurelia whispered a “thank you” and though I was vaguely aware of her voice reaching my silver-tipped ears, the appreciative gesture easily slipped through the grasp of my thoughts because the mare had already begun to talk about magic. Magic, the one thing everyone in the Rift had that I did not. It was not too long ago that I’d been entirely unaware of its existence. Ever since I’d first learned about magic, though, I wanted to know as much about it as I could. As a result, I was quite eager to listen to what Aurelia had to offer. "I’m glad you got your magic back. We’d certainly be in trouble without it." Laughing cheerfully, by head bobbed along with each sentence, despite having little ability to understand what she was saying. When my mind was so opium-clouded, though, there wasn't a need to. She asked me why I hadn't trialed for my own magic yet, and the truth was that I didn't even know how, but of course, the thought to ask never crossed my mind. "I don’t know." My reply to her question was as concise as responses came. In part because there was no answer to give, and also because I was unable to focus on one thing long enough to formulate any sort of thoughtful response. "My impression is that magic cannot be- where are we?" The question escaped by lips as abruptly as it crossed my mind upon realizing that all this time we’d been walking further and further into the tunnel - into never-ending darkness. Every so often we turned onto new paths without bothering to consider where they led to or came from, so that by now it was impossible to tell where we were. Funny that I’d even bothered to ask, as if Aurelia would’ve known the answer solely because she was the beacon lighting our path. 




RE: How I would have fought this - Rift Presence - 04-18-2018

The invisible smog lies dormant in the winding depths of Ennunyenda, slumbering, not riled by the ignorant waft of movement for many months. The sweet concoction of gases purged from every crack and every crevice, has become overpowering through this time and the fading taste of oxygen has turned sour. Two bodies slide into the dank, dark underworld and on along the corridor until the only air available is this intoxicating lace of narcotic vapour. It stirs to life, swirling between prison walls to embrace each welcome guest.

They are blissfully aware as they inhale, inviting the stew of drugs to fill receptive lungs and taint the coursing volume of their blood.

The feeling comes on very slowly, it is calming, hypnotic, and the shadows of this cunning cave-system clamp down snugly in wake of their oblivious step. Though their banter simmers softly, filling the smooth, stony contours around them with the frivolousness of life, the sound becomes increasingly slurred and confused: misplaced words begin to dribble from each altered mind. A feeling of euphoria is beginning to warm their bodies and their heart rates are slowing. Their awareness is slipping at last and all concerned tension is melting away.

The tunnel grows narrow and damp walls enhance the luminosity of the fire engulfing the mare. The stallion’s thoughts clear briefly as he questions their whereabouts, but as his eyes shift towards his company, the creature he beholds is no longer a horse. Long, yellow buck teeth plunge down from behind her top lip (the latter curves ridiculously, into a comically lopsided grin), whiskers sprout from plump cheeks and two unbelievably long ears hang down to frame the short, round circumference of her face. He blinks once, twice… and traces the outline of her bulging spine to find at its end an amusing stump of upright tail.

Is she… a big burning bunny?
the Rift

@Aurelia @Rixen