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The Portal Between Something and Nothing - Printable Version

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Between Something and Nothing - Rixen - 07-14-2017


My eyelids flutter open.

The first thing I notice when I awaken is that nothing around me is familiar. It takes a moment for it to register in my mind that I don't know where I am. My emerald eyes are slow to adjust to the dimly lit setting. Gradually, as the world around me comes into focus, I can see that I am in a clearing. Casting shadows on the sandy floor before me are tall trees, which stretch upward as far as I can crane my neck. I cannot see where exactly they end. They seem like the trees that I had always seen since foalhood, but upon further inspection I note that they must be native to this land. Glowing patches are scattered across the trunks, their spear-shaped leaves tinged with cyan. What a peculiar place this is. 

I don't have any recollection of how I ended up here, exactly. Of course, I remember my name (which is Rixen), I remember my family (my mother, my father, my sister), I remember my past (my home fell to ruin). But when it comes to the exact sequence of the events leading up to this point, my mind is blank. Strangely enough, I do not feel panic. I do not feel fear. Only a curiosity for this strange new world I have stumbled across. I wonder if there are others like me here.

When I consider the possibility that I am utterly alone, I chuckle softly to myself. What does it matter? There is nothing for me anywhere else.

Several fresh wounds, presumably from the fall I appeared to have taken, marred my hide. They sting slightly in the misty air swirling around me, and the blood stains my alabaster nape a feminine pink. My knees are scraped, my back is sore, yet none of this detracts from the task of exploration at hand. My dark hair is plastered to my neck, caked with mud and sweat. Vines have tangled themselves around the two pairs of deer-like antlers protruding from the top of my skull. The short tendrils of hair covering my body are matted this way and that. I am young, and (not to sound arrogant) I do consider myself to be a looker, but I silently apologize in advance for my mien to whomever I may cross paths with. 

As I walk forward, the dull thud of my hooves making contact with the damp earth below breaks the silence. I embrace the neon glow with an air of unreadable behavior - an unpredictable regality in my step, my eyes forward and attentive for my first encounter.

RE: Between Something and Nothing - Rift Presence - 07-15-2017

“Hungry, it whispers to you, a lone soldier that remained in this dismal, dark, dying place. Food, feast, eat, the words rattle through the shadows, vibrating along the strands of fluorescent light that barely manage to light the dead realm. But it is dead no longer, the incoming life revives it with each small, pulsing heartbeat.

Yet…the force fades away from this creature. Its wounds had been exciting, new—dead things did not bleed, after all. But, beyond the enticing gashes, two-toned creature could not assuage its hunger.

So it left, fading towards sounds and more potential meals.
the Rift

@Rixen It doesn't appear that there is any joining magic or enchanted items to be added to your records, or mutated/consumed by the Rift! If there is any, please edit your initial post with an OOC note including any magic/enchanted items and tag this account. Thanks! And welcome! :]