the Rift
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Alone - Sarai - 07-21-2017

So we all ended up getting sucked up into that portal in Helovia. But where we all got dumped out, I have no idea. What I do know, is that I don't hear ANYONE around me. I can't smell the familiar scents of Calypso, Sansa, Sapphira or Ceto. I know I won't find the ones of my brother, cousin or father... Kaos killed them. They died so that we could live. Well, now I need to carry on for you Dad. I'll carry on where you left off, and where Brendan didn't get to. I'll look after Sapphira and Ceto too.... Even if i'm not much older than them...

The flames of my only magic flare across my skin. I have to admit, it's nice to see that I can still feel. I feel so numb. So many emotions are playing through my small body all at once. I'm alone for the first time ever in my life. I've always been around family, or those that I took to as family. I'm lost, because I don't know who to call for first. Do I call for Momma Alysanne, the painted mare who has nursed me from day one? What about Calypso, Brendan's mate? Sansa? 

I do none of the above. Instead I stand still, trying to see. My tears blur my sight, but the darkness doesn't help. I have kept quiet so far, not telling any of my family that my eye sight is getting worse at night. Now I wish I had... Maybe they would of stuck closer to me in the portal. Maybe... But what if they didn't make it through? What if something had happened to them too... What if, I am really, alone....

 "Sed interdum rutrum urna, sed pellentesque sapien tempor in."

A Shepherd I Shall Be, For Thee, My Lord, For Thee
Power Hath Descended Forth From Thy Hand
That My Feet May Swiftly Carry Out Thy Command
So I Shall Flow A river Forth To Thee
And Teeming With Souls Shall It Ever Be
x - x

{link to SWP participation}

{*]:: [ Magic: Light (P) | White, harmless flames flare from her skin with heightened emotions. ] \n:: [ Restrictions | Of no use in battle. ]\n\nEnchanted items\n{*}none\n\nRift-god / Kaos items\n{*}None\n\nAmulets : (2)\n:: [ Spark Amulet ]  :: [ Sun Amulet ] \n\nCompanion/s : \n[*}None


Species change (if applicable) : 

Requests: have at her!

:: [ Item: Jewelry | Emerald beads spread though mane and tail ]

RE: Alone - Rift Presence - 07-21-2017

These wretched shadows do not care for your numbness. They do not care for your loss, your isolation.


They care only for what you have to offer their endless hunger. So their neon-lit edges enclose; rain stings where it streams through the thickly forested canopy. There is nothing but taking and hitting in this new world.

Give me. Give me. Give me.
the Rift


Defensive: White flames engulf her body when scared or angry.

Ever hungry, the shadows sharp and unseen teeth yank away the last vestiges of the hated Helovian gods you carry.

Normal items transfer fine! Just use this thread as link-proof in your profile :)