the Rift

Full Version: Coming Down Ain't as Fun as Going Up
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He didn't remember anything. He didn't remember finding the caves. Exploring them. He certain did not remember Kiada and what had transpired between them. He could not recall finally stumbling out of the network of caves or heading towards Solanis. He had no memory of his actions for the past 24 hours. But he did not dwell on this fact. He couldn't. For the pounding pain in his head made any conscious thought utterly impossible. He stood at the fringes of Solanis, releasing the contents of his stomach for probably the fourth time. There was nothing left for him to heave as his side were wracked with choked coughs.

He was beside the river fed by the lake of the Summit. Unable to go any further. Unwilling to leave the fresh supply of water. The cold, blessed water. Once his stomach decided that it really didn't have anything left in it he returned to that water. He bent down, laying within the the water until it came up over his shoulders. Then he dunked his head, submerging it into the icy cold once more to try and ease it of this horrible pounding. Why was it pounding? Had he been hit by some sort of magic? He had no idea, all he wanted was for the pain to stop. It always eased whenever it was within this cold water, but he could not breath beneath the waves and he had no plant to aid him. Nor the strength to go searching for any.

Finally, when his lungs couldn't take it any longer, he resurfaced. Sputtering and gasping for breath. This made his head pound more and he dare not open his eyes for fear of the light. He tried to take slow sips of river water, hoping to calm his belly before dunking his head in again. This pain would go away eventually, right? He only hoped, he couldn't function like this. He was far too nauseas to walk and he lay in the river no longer caring. He just wanted to feel better.


But You Cannot Break My Hope!
I'm Still Undefeated!
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Set the day after Rosco had his encounter with Kiada. He's suffering the effects of coming out of his high.
God her head hurt. Though luckily for Kiada, she remembered most of what happened the night before, but recalling many of the memories caused that throbbing in her head to increase. She had followed Roscorro out of the cave, originally leading the way, but deciding to follow him and see which direction he picked. And when the high finally wore off, when she woke, Roscorro was nowhere to be found. Khairi had an inkling of where he’d gone, and she followed the pale vulture through the winding flowers of Solanis.

She stumbled through, the light hurting her head to the point where she could only squint as she made her way to the pools nearby. After a few moments, she lowered her head to it and drank deeply, her stomach churning with the added weight of the liquid within it, when suddenly Roscorro breached the water, sputtering for air. Was he drowning himself because of what happened last night? She flung herself back from the water’s edge, eyes sharp and surprisingly focused as she looked at the man.

Roscorro,” She hummed, her voice causing her head to throb. “Are you okay?” She questioned, trying to get a feel for what exactly he was doing deep beneath the pools. She hoped it wasn’t terrible enough for him to end himself because of it, but concern lanced her features despite the pain as she gazed at the tribrid.

so tell me little wolf
do you want to punish those who have wronged you?
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omg she thinks hes trying to drown himself LOL
He blinked as the voice of Kiada pounded inside his skull. Squinting he looked at the mare and smiled. No memory of the moment they had shared remained. It was apparent in the way he acted towards he. There was no warmth from someone who had shared an intimate moment with someone he cared for. or embarrassment from the mistake he had made. No, if he had remembered he could very likely be drowning himself for committing such a sin against his friend. He was unworthy, undeserving. He had taken advantage of her in a weakened state. Though he himself was not in his right mind. It still did not make it okay. How could he do such a thing? He was a tainted beast that had no right.

But he was blissfully unaware as he smiled goofily at her. He had no idea why his body hurt, where any of the marks came from. Nothing. "I seem to have a headache." He croaked. Like her his voice made his head hurt. His heartbeat slammed in his own head and he pinned an ear back and he winced. "The cold water helps. A little." He smiled sheepishly as he moved to straighten. Water streamed off of his bulk like a waterfall. He had left his armor and cloak on the bank, having just enough sense to not go diving with them on. As such his entire visage was on display. Shinning with water as it flowed over his muscles and skin. His wings were just as soaked, though wet feathers were not nearly as charming as wet flesh. The hair on his tail clung to the powerful appendage, giving one a far better look at the thick, powerful thing as it emerged from the river. "Are you okay?" He asked, noticing her own state.


But You Cannot Break My Hope!
I'm Still Undefeated!
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There was a soreness to her that she hadn’t experienced to that degree before. While the details to her mind were still murky, she was uncertain if it were something caused by the events that transpired, or whether it was the sheer weight of him that caused such a thing. But she remembered that part, and was worried that perhaps he was drowning himself because of what happened. She had never seen Roscorro act like that, and part of her wondered where exactly it had come from, but she decided to wait and see what would happen. If he would be the one to bring it up or not.

He spoke to her, of a headache, and she began to bob her head in agreement before wincing and wading into the small pool as well. He smiled goofily toward her and she wanted to laugh at it, at this side from what happened the previous night. “Are you okay?” He inquired about her and she wanted to laugh again – instead, she settled with a snort and a grin gracing her features as she found her focus on his broad white and brown hued face. “Just as bad as you.

Then, to clarify, she tilted her head slowly to keep the nausea at bay. “Do you remember what we did last night? It was… eventful.” She snorted in that half laugh again, doing her best to keep from pushing the blood to her head as though it’d cause her brain to explode. And she waited patiently for his response, perhaps a bit anxiously.

so tell me little wolf
do you want to punish those who have wronged you?
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