the Rift

Full Version: Boss Battle take 2
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Trouble is as a trouble does, when it's on a troubled mind
Reasons come and reasons will go when the blind are followin' the blind

None of what was said even remotely came close to the response Otem had been anticipating.

First off, the creature's voice was nothing like what she had expected. She thought he (he? She?) would have a voice like wet slime or grinding gears. The hissing caught her off guard almost as much as the words leaving it's grotesque lips did. Nevertheless she strained to listen, for she very much doubted this creature was going to stay for an overly long conversation.

...better before the darkness

Wait. Before? Otem had just assumed that the darkness always was. That the Rift as a whole was a mostly dreary and violent place. That Kisamoa needed their help in exploring had never once led her to suppose that there was anything to be done about whatever sickness had taken the land.

Then again...Hadn't the Helovian Gods said that they were cleansing the lands brought over from the Rift? How had it taken her so long to piece this together? Why had no one else figured this out? It seemed like Raein was certainly right: The Helovian's did appear to be a dimwitted bunch on the whole.

"Before the darkness." Otem parroted, as if reiterating the words would solidify their meaning in her mind.

Before, before, before...  And if there was a before, Otem reasoned, then there could be an after.

There was so much more she wanted to know from the creature (boy or girl? How old? Did it want the Rift to heal itself?), but she decided not to press her luck. She'd escaped with far fewer injuries than she had last time encountering the creature, but that could change at any moment, she was sure of it.

"Thank you." She said, her voice small and childishly naive, as she began to edge away. As she did so, she could feel the rock-like sensation that had taken hold of her limbs slowly begin to fade.

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