the Rift

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The cave is dark and it is hard to tell from inside just exactly what time of day it is now.  A small, skinny colt with limp and as yet useless wings, slumbers at the center.  Behind him, in the deeper shadows there is a scrattching and a scarping.  It starts out soft but grows quickly.  With the echos of the cave involved it soon becomes a cacophony of sound.  The boy snorts and wakes with a start.  As soon as he stirs the sound dies down.  So, his first focus falls not on what woke him but the fact that he is alone.  Bright purple eyes scan the cave in front and to the sides but not behind.  His nostrils flare almost expectantly but do not seem to find anything helpful.  Apparently, Erthë and Alvah both went out while he slept on.  At this his face crinkles in a frown that suggests uncertainty.  In the end he must have decided not to be bothered by it and all his efforts soon turn to getting on his feet.      

Cloven hooves scuffle in the loose rock around his small frame.  It truly looks as if he is much newer to this task of standing than he really is.  Eventually, he does it but is head and wings droop while he pants for breath.  Apparently, today is not a good day, physically, for the boy.  After a time he seems to find new vigor or a least a well of determination and stiff-legged steps carry him towards the cave mouth.  Then the sounds which woke him in the first place begin anew.  His head whips around almost putting him off balance as his searching eyes meet the gazes of many, little, glittering ones.  The metallic shine of strange, razor teeth also stands out.  The colt grunts in disgust.

"I don't want you.  Go away."

With that, he very deliberately turns his back, flicks one small wing and continues his slow advance towards the exit.  The look on his face is decidedly discontent by the time he leaves the cave for the daylight beyond.  Grumbling under his breath he begins an obviously well-practiced routine of stretching.

It would have been nice of them to wake me and at least say where they were going.  Or a least, I think it would have been nice.  Given my family, maybe I don't really know what that word means.  Honestly, I don't mind being alone I guess.  I have never experienced it before and it ought to be interesting, at least for a little while.  I am horribly hungry though and that is making it very hard to think.
There is that noise again, agh!  Are those things still there?

He turns more slowly this time to glare at the yawning, black hole behind him.  Sure enough, it holds at least six blinking, glassy eyes, and those teeth.  Van snorts and snaps his own teeth in the air as if to say that should he be bitten he will not hesitate to bite back.

"You don't need to watch me, I am boring.  Go on, get!"        

Muttering louder now he goes on out into the comparatively lovely landscape of Ultima.  It is a pleasant enough place if one must be left alone.  Or at least it seems to be on the surface.  Van hasn't yet had the bad luck to encounter anything here that might change that assessment.  His stomach, grumbling and rumbling as he walks, clearly has him distracted though for he doesn't at first notice that the demon-things are still following stealthy, behind him.  

once upon a time
man had a love affair with fire
image || coding || quote: Robert R. McCammon, Swan Song

OOC: So, he has just discovered the Rift's little trial "hounds".

"From the ground behind you, a scratching noise catches your attention. If you turn your head, you'll be able to see three small creatures climb out of the dirt. Their figures are strange, difficult to pin down and describe, but the gleaming iron teeth in their mouths are noticeable. They don't move any closer, but whispers of a promise that they will follow your every step are on the air. They will get a little closer the longer it takes for your trial to finish, and you probably don't want to find out what it feels like to have those needle-like teeth gnaw on your legs."

I don't need anything specific here, just a threading partner willing to see it through to completion.  So, any/all are welcome!

God damn right, you should be scared of me. Who is in CONTROL?

The girl skipped and giggled to her self. A small hum could be heard if one was close enough to the fallen angel, but here lies the question. Who would get close enough even to hear her hum? Apparently, someone who was crazy and out of their mind. The girl does not look demonic, nor does she look crazed ( Well, not ALL the time). Her face is plastered in white paint, but the bands across her maw break the flawless mask. Just take a deeper look at the Angel. Is she gorgeous, right? Well, do our self a favor and admire her beauty from a distance. Tri-toned legs picked up and kiss the ground with soft thuds of every step. Milky tresses of her long mane and tail float behind her like chiffon. It danced with every movement of her perfect body. Sparks danced across her hide like a thousand diamonds as the shadows began to close in on her.

The pain in her skull, the burning in her eyes drove her MAD. Castiella was not sure how much longer she could deal with this pain, this curse from the Rift. She felt relief when she finished one of the tasks, but there was another that needed to be done. Fuck, that would not be easy. Her skull shook with a small giggle. There was no need to worry about that right now. Now she was ADVENTURING. She was looking for new FRIENDS. She strayed away from Akriel for a few moments to allow the boy time to himself. Damn, he can get grumpy, but she still loves him. She loves him more than he will ever know. Charcoal ears pin with the screeching voice rang through the air.

"You don't need to watch me, I am boring. Go on, get!"

This sound, this little call of distress caused the girl to halt. SOMEONE sounded like they were going crazy, and that attracted Castiella like a vulture to a dead body. Giggling she went skipping off to find the weak creature crying out into the air. A deviant grin grew on her maw as she watched the creature move. She stalked silently until the moment was perfect. The fallen angel emerged from the shadows. Drakness dripped away from her hide as the sparks on her pelt began to rise and shower over her bodice. Black liquid oozed creating a trail of black flowers behind her. Her perfect form came to a halt as the features on her face twisted into a more PLESANT smile. Teal eyes floated to the shadows following the boy. He was talking to them, but why not fuck with his head a little? "What if I enjoy watching you? I do not think you are boring. And I will not leave that easily. Telling me to go away will not work for you. " She giggled softly stepping closer to the colt. "I am Castiella " Blood speckles grew brighter in her teal eyes as she simply plastered a smile on her masked features.
"talk talk talk"

table code by tamme