the Rift

Full Version: In desperate need of art (I pay good!)
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Hey everyone! I'll give myself a small intro before I go asking you guys for things:

I am 19, I own five horses, going to school for beef production and working cow horse. I was at one time an avid RPer. I was quite versed in coding, and my vocabulary was *much* better back then.. I have recently found some time to get back into it. I also know and appreciate the true value of art. I'm very artistic myself, but I can't seem to make art for myself. LOVE having art for my characters. I want ALLL of the art lol

I'm looking for someone to either make me some art or direct me toward someone who makes your beautiful artwork.
I'm open to any kind of art right now but I REALLY want a full manip done of my main boy Luminar.

I'm on deviantArt, so would love recommendations there. Pm me with your commission prices if you want!

Thank you all!
Welcome, Carnivora! :D It's good to have you here!

I myself don't do much art (just simple drawings - you can look at my DA which is psycho-drummer), but there's a ton of wonderful artists here. I could recommend a few of them via Discord if you'd like! My name on there is Dingo#9037. If you don't have it, I highly recommend it, as that's where we all hang out!

As a side note, you do beef production, that's awesome!! I also do reined cow horse and ranch versatility. I can't think of a more fun sport to be a part of <3