the Rift

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Duir tumbles wildly out into the wild lands.
Others are roughly deposited out with him, but the buck is too distracted with his own shaken emotions and fear to really notice them.  Bleating with pain as he thuds and tumbles across the ground, his sounds silence all together when he strikes a tree, and the whorl of the world suddenly comes to a sudden halt.  Ears back, his hoofs grope erratically at the earth and loam, and the pervasive scent of foul magic penetrates his senses; on his feet, his knees tremble, and his forest green eyes look around the smoke riddled forest with an apprehension so great he is sure it will overwhelm him.
Tentatively, he quietly bleats into the surrounding woodland, reaches with his mind for mine… and finds it absent.  Terror wells within him, having never been alone, and with a coldness that leeches through his veins like ice, inch by inch, he leans back against the gnarled, soft with moss tree which had stopped his wild tumble into this world of horrors and loneliness.
Unsure how long he is this way before I’m suddenly hurled out in front of him, the numb buck looks down at my wildly flailing legs and erratic curses with wide eyes that don’t quite believe what he’s seeing – that is, until my wild, electrical ball of emotions strikes his relatively quiet mind like a white hot bolt of sky-fire riddled hurricanes.  With a delighted bleat, he bounds towards me, throwing his deer-body against mine (still partway to the ground, me being in the midst of getting to my hooves and all), and I grumpily accept the embrace, wondering what’s gotten into him.
"For fuck’s sake, I told you I was coming," I quietly remark, but I can feel his trembling, and quickly try to be less, well, shitty about him needing me.  Still, I push him off with my nose, and get to my hooves, to get a good look around me at the, well, scary hell-hole we’ve been thrust into.
It’s dark, depressing, and gives me the feeling that, at any moment, we might be attacked by creatures with glowing eyes and venomous pincers.  Duir concedes that he feels similarly with a nod of his head, looking around us at the terrible woodland.  Struck suddenly with the thought of the smoke curling out of the bodies of those who’d tried to fight, I shut my eyes, and shake my head, hard, feeling my belly roll in a dark, angry way.
I think, instead, of Arleigh’s face, full of pain, riddled with tears, and Glacia’s fear, Gwyn’s silent, hopeless stare, or Erebos’ hateful glower...  It hurts, but less than the memory of Aithniel, breaking apart into light, or the image of the Aurora Basin, my home, warping and dissipating into the shadows forever.
"Have you seen the girls yet?" I ask, looking down at Duir, that one word entailing all of them, their faces and who they were to me swimming into one, fatefully frightening image of a family I was afraid to lose, but afraid, also, to admit were important to me, "or the others?  Weaver?  Erebos?  Wessex and Tiamat?  Anyone?"
Slowly, he shakes his head no; he disguises his shame from me, that he’d never looked, but it still courses like a long, low note through the song of our bond.  Taking it to mean he misses and worries for them, too, I set off (my buck trailing along after me), despite my trepidation to be within this creepy woodland at all, all the while looking about for those who were most important to me.

SWP participant


{*]SAFE PLZ \n:: [ Magic: DarkxSpark | Ability to manipulate electrical currents in the nerve system to control victim\'s bodies ] \n :: [ Restrictions | Requires intense concentration, and only lasts for one attack or defense with the inability for mind control; lasts up to one post outside battle ]\n{*}DANGERZONE \n:: [ Magic: DarkxSpark (U) | The ability to painfully short circuit the electrical impulses of another\'s brain with electricity, also causing temporary loss of control over their physical responses. ] \n:: [ Restrictions | Lasts 20 seconds in battle. ]\n{*}SAFE PLZ \n:: [ Magic: DarkxSpark | Can take on the voice and appearance of individuals after physically touching them for >3 seconds. ] \n:: [ Restrictions | Can only \"recall\" three forms; form can only be used once without touching the individual again. ]\n \n \nEnchanted items\n{*} SAFE PLZ :: [ Item: Enchanted Jewlery | A bronze leg band with an onyx stone that is always cold to the touch and occasionally sparks with harmless electricity. ]\n\n \nRift-god / Kaos items\n{*}2 Kaos Amulets\n\nAmulets : 4 total (2 Kaos)\n\nCompanion/s :\n[*} Duir :: [ Companion: Cerndyr | Mythical, royal | Earth Spirit | 1 yr 2 mos ] Born May 5, 2016 – Rift Birth Date: 1172 Late Drench

Species change (if applicable) :  n.a

Requests: Please keep his Puppet magic and the Shifting magic.  Roll for the upgraded magic. :D 

He has these non-enchanted items from Helovia:
:: [ Item: Necklace | A pendant which is comprised of a two inch long elliptical black mirror encircled by decorative white gold scroll work and diamonds. It dangles from a sturdy white gold chain, which is worn looped around the neck. ]
:: [ Item: Bronze Shoulder Armor | Defensive. Bronze/steel alloy shoulder piece with runes; attached by black rope harness with gold threads. ]
:: [ Item: Bronze Horn Ring | With gold inlay detailed with runes and "all that glitters is not gold." ]
:: [ Item: Jewelry | A bronze leg band. ] 

Art by Esa82@DA

i don't rise from the ashes, i make them.

She’s already there when the others begin to tumble through. Mortuus has stepped in with her, and she looks around for him now, hoping he’s still beside her. Raven sits on her back, unusually quiet, and she feels for their bond, finding it weak and wrong. That’s a matter to figure out later, but she keeps part of her mind turned to the little black bird huddled in the cape on her back.

She’s paying attention to her surroundings when the rest tumble through after her, moving away from the Portal to find some place where the Basin can gather. The place is dark and lovely in a way, mist curling around her almost like a friend, almost like a hungry monster. Well, exactly like a hungry monster, she just happens to be friends with monsters. Eye’s peer out from the trees. “Not in Kansas anymore, are we?” she says with a sigh, to Raven and whoever else might be around her. She’s just full of useless clichés.  

Soon a familiar gold stripped boy catches her attention. “Rikyn! she calls, making her way over to the Lord. Even if they don’t carry titles anymore, she still thinks of him as such. “The fuck is this place?” Her eyes dart between him and Duir, wondering if Duir is doing better than Raven. For now, she doesn’t ask, more concerned with making sure they get everyone through safely. She’d send Raven to look for them, but she doesn’t think he can fly, and she doesn’t trust those eyes in the woods to not eat him for dinner. So instead, she uses her own eyes, trying to keep an eye out for everyone they know.

SWP Participation

:: [ Magic: Dark | Ability to transform into a raven. ]
:: [ Restrictions | Transformation is painful. ]

:: [ Magic: DarkxTime (P) | Resurrection; when 'killed', reforms from her remains, though retains the scars from each death. ]
:: [ Restrictions | Normal aging; Can die of old age or if the mark of Death on her chest is removed/severely damaged. ]

Enchanted items
:: [ Item: Enchanted Scythe | Offensive. Black metal scythe that retracts into a necklace/spike pendant; blade causes mild poisoning. ]

Rift-god / Kaos items: none

Amulets : 1

Companion/s : 
{SAFE}:: [ Companion: Australian Raven | Terrorize | 5 months ] – Born February 2, 2017 – Rift Birth Date 1173 (I think, since he’s not a year)

Species change (if applicable) : n/a


Has the following items:
:: [ Item: Jewelry  | Silver filigree chain with blue pendant that loops around horns. ]
:: [ Item: Cape | Black cape with raven feather collar ]
:: [ Item: Breastplate | Defensive. Black metal breastplate that covers half of chest with leather shoulder straps. ]

:: [ Item: Genetic Mutation | Ability to bond to 2 companions. ] – I know this doesn’t really transfer over, but I wasn’t sure if the Rift wanted to eat it or anything

I'm the whole fucking fire.

- weaver -

image credit | quote by erin van vuren


It's a sickening, squeezing sensation and when it finally ends, the mare is cast in a crumpled heap onto unknown soil. It takes a few seconds for her to blink away the confusion and rise onto wobbly legs, like a newborn foal taking her first steps. Nausea rises in her stomach and if she could be sick, she would. Instead she sways, groaning, wishing she'd died her heroic death after all.

The memory of the final battle comes flooding back, then; she'd tried to fight, tried to die along with all the others, but the fat ass of her Lord had nudged her into the suction field and into the portal. Immediately cross at what transpired, Oizys looks around for Rikyn and sees him nearby, along with his deer and a couple of other Basin members. With a wet flutter of feathers Ker lands nearby, chirping sadly as she disentangles herself from her wings and leaps up onto Oizys's back to preen herself. She's slightly wobbly too, and their bond seems fuzzy, as though there's interference on it. It's disconcerting, and it doesn't help the mare's feeling of sickness.

Rikyn speaks, asking for a list of people; Erebos, Wessex, Weaver, Tiamat. The gargoyle pins her ears and huffs angrily. "Nice to know I don't make your list," she says, disgruntled and, despite herself, rather hurt that he doesn't consider her important enough to refer to her by name. "I'd thought you'd at least wonder about my wellbeing since it was your fat ass that knocked me into this rancid hellhole in the first place." She glares at him, her cold grey eyes afire as she swings her hybrid tail and snorts again before looking round properly for the first time. This place is creepy, which isn't surprising since they basically got sucked into Kaos's hol. Nobody wants to enter Kaos's hole.

The gargoyle staggers around with Ker riding limply on her back, trying to shake this sense of disorientation and confusion.


{SWP Participation}

{SAFE} :: [ Magic: DarkxSpark | Can create lightning creatures that shock on contact. ]
:: [ Restrictions | Can create 1 large or 3 small shock creatures; last one post in battle and cannot be larger than Oizys. ]

{SAFE} :: [ Magic: DarkxWater (U) | Can transform into any creature and their natural size by drinking the blood of that creature. ]
:: [ Restrictions | Must drink that blood for every shift; transformation is painful. ]

Enchanted items

Rift-god / Kaos items
1 Kaos amulet

Amulets : (provide number)
1 (Kaos)

Companion/s :
{SAFE} Ker :: [ Companion: Philippine Eagle | Curse | 1 yr 4 mos ] Born 9th March 2016.

Species change (if applicable) : Nada!

Requests: Please transfer the following none-magical items:

:: [ Item: Glass Shiv | Offensive. Small blade made of glass. ]
:: [ Restrictions | Breakable, limited uses. ]

:: [ Item: Spiked shoulder armor | Defensive. Medium sized spiked metal armor worn on right shoulder. ]

:: [ Item: Glass Phials | A set of three small glass phials. ]

:: [ Item: Glass Spear | Offensive. A small, sharp glass spear. ]
:: [ Restrictions | Breakable, limited uses. ]

:: [ Item: Glass Shield | Defensive. Medium sized shield of tempered glass. (from Nyx) ]
:: [ Restrictions | Breakable, limited uses. ]

The air whispers—it is a low hush, a sinister purr. It is wordless, but not formless, for the leaves, in all their impossible colors, seem to tremble in tune to the sound. It slips through the world like a too-quiet hymn, slithering up spines and whispering in ears.

It wants this—the tide of bodies, ripe with power and blood and dreams, spilling onto its churned-mud floor. Far in the distance, lightning flashes, too bright, and the thunder rumbles like an engine. Maybe, it gives you all pause; maybe, it doesn't, but the rain comes closer, needle-sharp at first, almost painful as it strikes.

It wants your blood. It wants the potency of your anger. So keep it up, spitfire; rip them apart and help the Rift feast on their souls.
the Rift


Offensive: Ability to manipulate electrical currents in the nerve system to control victim's bodies.
Offensive: He can short-circuit the electrical impulses in another's brain, causing them to temporarily lose control over their physical responses. Rikyn experiences severe vertigo and loses control of his bladder each time he uses the power.
Transformation: Can take on the voice and appearance of individuals after physically touching.

The limits on his copying magic will be added to the Guidebook, as we now realized this was another side of the Transformation coin!
Stay tuned!

Vanity: A bronze leg band with an onyx stone. The band is always cold to the touch and occasionally sparks with harmless electricity.

The two amulets not of Kaos shatter, spraying you and those near you with drops of magic and shard of glass. The magic burns where it lands, but causes no lasting harm. The Kaos amulets remain untouched.

Duir: Cerndyr
Obtained: May 5 2016
Birth Date: Mid-Freeze, 1171 (adjusted this because he's actually slightly over 1,5 years old on Helovia?)


Transformation: Can transform into a raven.
Immortality: Reforms from her remains each time she's killed, but bears the scars of her previous deaths. Can die if the mark of Death is removed, or severely damaged.

Offensive: A black metal scythe, whose blade causes mild poisoning. It can turn into a necklace.

The amulet you carry shatters moments after Rikyn's, arcing small bolts of lightning.

Raven: Australian Raven
Obtained: February 2, 2017
Birth Date: Early Scorch, 1173


Offensive: Can create lightning creatures that shock on contact.
Transformation: Can transform into any creature by drinking its blood.

The transformation magic is the "copying" kind, like Rikyn's. Restrictions will be added in the next few days!

The Kaos amulet vibrates and hums.

Ker: Philippine Eagle
Obtained: March 9 2016
Birth Date: Late Drench, 1171

All normal items will transfer fine!
She could hear them, the shadows and beasties lurking out there, from where she cowered under the awning of a large, leafy plant, the steady drip-drop of the endless curtain of rain beyond having already drenched her.  It gave the filly an entirely non-cowardly reason to be shuddering, of course, but that was all that could be said of the deluge that was positive; she did not care for it, any more than she cared for what had transpired over the last few days of her life.
Death and sadness:  they had knocked upon the door lightly, before it had simply been kicked in.  There had been little enough time to dwell on the images of her grandfather crumpled to a forest floor, near death, but suspended by magic alone in a state more pitiful than Gwyn had ever seen anything.  She had little enough time to even begin to understand what it was she had beheld there in the mists, before the mists were gone, and they were forced to flee in fear.
Grandfather… he was so slow, in his condition.  It was all she could think about, now, having safely seen her father, Duir, and mother near the portal to this terrible place, though she couldn't see them now.  Grandfather.  Was he safe?  Had he and his owls made it?
Would she… would she get to know him, as more than that terrible, wraithlike thing which had collapsed under its own weight?
Suddenly, though, she heard something other than the horrible whisper of things blinking and unseen in the stormy darkness.  Voices!  Familiar ones!  They drew closer, it seemed, or perhaps it was but a trick of the mind, but the filly turns her pale eyes towards them regardless, ears lifted hopefully as she pokes her head out from under her hiding place.
Daddy!  She would know that gold shining anywhere.  Scurrying out from the shrubbery on wobbly legs, she ploughs into his side, rubbing her whole rain drenched body along it while snuggling her face to his shoulder.  Looking up hopefully for her mother, and not finding her, the filly swallows down what was to be a happy hello, instead frowning, and feels a worry begin to well in her heart.
"Where's mom?" she asks, wary of the answer.

{*]SAFE PLZ \n:: [ Magic: WaterxSpark (P) | Sparks emit from gold blanket hide when in contact with cold. ] \n:: [ Restrictions | Of no use in battle. ]\n \nEnchanted items\n{*}n.a\n \n \nRift-god / Kaos items\n{*}n.a\n \nAmulets : n.a\n \nCompanion/s :\n[*}Duir :: n.a
Species change (if applicable) :  n.a
Requests: party time
She has this non-enchanted item from Helovia:
:: [ Item: Trinket | Lock of Rikyn and Glacia's hair braided into a circle. ]
Mortuus Nox
Your fears have just become all too real, for the Devil at the cross road wants to make a Deal
The trip made the beast feel sick to his stomach. He went through with Weaver, they went together. The pair might have been the first to step through the portal, but he was not sure. Finally the demonic beast stood on the other side of the land. Cracked hooves moved in the ill land. What was this place? Dead orbs looked to the painted woman with a smile "Well that was fun. "" His features twisted back to an emotionless face as the scared beast looked around. Everything was neon. The world felt different than Helovia. He was not sure what to make out of it, only time would tell. Weaver started to move about the land, he trailed behind her slowly. Mist swirled and moved around his hooves. This place was fucking crazy. Mumbling to himself he lowered his demonic crown to look at the plant life.  "Everything here feels so fucking sick"" Heavy accented words mumbled as he continued walking.

For a moment he wondered where the others were, but then he realized; he did'nt care that much. He could spend the rest of time with Weaver. That would be splendid and fun. His face did not more nor show any of his thoughts. It was blank, cold, and heartless. So many others died in Helovia, it was their stupidity. They did it to themselves. Weaver was a good distance ahead of him before he hear the sound of a deeper tone. Black ears pinned against his skull as he moved closer to see, it was only Rikyn. Lifting his ears forward he could her the man talking, then Weaver spoke. It seems another from the Basin found their way here. Dead eyes looked over to see the stone woman. Then the bickering started. "Well it seems like everyone still has their attitudes. "" his heavy voice chuckled. It was deep and from the pits of hell. "Glad to see that has not changed.""

His attention turns to Weavers question. It was brutal and demanded an answer in some way, shape, or form. It was the brutal that was not bad, just honest. Where the fuck were they? His scarred face looks around the land. "Well, Kaos was from the Rift. Like it or not we are in his land now. Believe me or not, but Ladies and Gentleman welcome to The Rift.  "" His voice sounded like a demon. A demon that was welcoming everyone to hell. This was Hell on Earth. His attention turned to a young girl. She refers to Rikyn as Father and his head dips to her in a small greeting. "How does everyone feel? I might not be a Time Mender anymore, but I can try to help."" He felt obligated to help any who felt ill. Any who were hurt. It USE to be his JOB to care about others health.
"Talking here""
[ SWP participation ]

{*]*SAFE* :: [ Magic: DarkxTime | The ability to age the body of another to the decaying process. ] \n :: [ Restrictions | Requires immense concentration, lasts 1 post in battle. ]\n{*}*SAFE*:: [ Magic: Light (P) | Immortal, but retains scars that are visible in moonlight and fresh on cloudy nights. ] \n:: [ Restrictions | Can be killed by decapitation. ]\n\nEnchanted items\n{*} ( I would love for this to be SAFE, but it is a Rift God Item....) \n:: [ Item: Enchanted Hide | Defensive. (SWP) Wolf God hide from Green Labyrinth that protects against dark magic {stolen from Mortuus Nox} {won from Gull} {gifted by Deimos} ]\n\n:: [ Restrictions | Not always entirely effective. ]\n\nRift-god / Kaos items\n{*}:: [ Item: Enchanted Hide | Defensive. (SWP) Wolf God hide from Green Labyrinth that protects against dark magic {stolen from Mortuus Nox} {won from Gull} [gifted by Deimos} ]
:: [ Restrictions | Not always entirely effective. ]

Amulets : 1 Moon 

Companion/s : 

Species change (if applicable) : 


Image Credits!
It watches.

It waits.

It knows.
the Rift


Offensive: Can emit sparks from her skin.


Offensive: Can speed up aging of another body.
Immortality: Death scars are visible in moonlight, and appears as wounds on cloudy nights. Can be killed by decapitation.

Rift God Items:
You hear a low roar coming from—everywhere. The trees, the sky, your bones, those around you.

And you're the only one who hears it. And you know somebody has noticed the wolf hide you traipsed into the Rift with on your back.

Your amulet shatters in a cloud of shards and magic dust.
The warrior was stuck, wedged, between two emotions. A portion of him was numb, stunned, mind partially paralyzed by the infernal reaches and wretchedness of what had just occurred on the other side of the void; and the other contortion of him was a reeling mess of anger, hostility, and rage. He was fractured, splintered, frayed away at the seams, staring off into space with narrowed eyes and speculating forces, but it was all too much, blending together in chaos, in bedlam, in distortion – and his soul tried to take every nuance, every notion in. He was wrapped, tethered, tied, and chained to an inferno, climbing through his insides until he thought he might just scream and yell at the top of his lungs for something to just burn and die off, found his eyes catching over the seams of newfound colors and naught was the same – yearning for ghosts of another decade to whip over his essence and bury him alive. It would’ve been so much easier to merely give in, to sink into the slaughter, to be another forgotten, wallowing phantom, smoldering on the seams of his home (because this wasn’t, not in any way, shape, or form, for there was no mountain humming his name, no ice forged within his veins, no father left within his tomb to watch over his flock), and a part of him thought he should’ve danced into the fray, flown into the merciless wake, and been snatched, snagged, like the rest.
Like Aithniel. Like Ode.
Something felt tremendously off too, like a piece of him was gone, and through the seething havoc restlessly tearing him into fragments, into slivers, into even less than what he’d been (worthless, oh so inept, too tangled and frayed, too ruthless and vindictive; vengeance his). He reached into his connections, into his bonded, and only Orsino, the constant, unwavering contortion and coil of calculations, of vile, heinous ruin, answered.
Here, but Enyo not.
It was a quiet hiss, a tenuous, intangible sibilance, as if the sable kitsune understood the former prince was on a fragile line, and was about to cross it – for once, didn’t want to invoke the brutality, the barbarity, the hidden, unseen anguish layered and lacquered to his heart.
The scion growled, a heinous, malicious fathom, bellowing deep in his throat, in his lungs, where the words caught and snared on the jagged structures of his breaking heart. Where is she? He asked the fox because he should’ve known, Orsino comprehended everything, and his eyes glanced off into the horizon for a little lost griffin –
All he saw were his herd mates, striving to band together, snarking and soothing, and he bowed his head against his chest, tucked away into shadow and disaster. The sharpest of screams echoed along his lungs, threatened to break over and be unleashed into the unknown, and he could feel the pulsing, pervading rage, the palpable misery curling over him like a noose. Maybe it’d choke him, weigh him down, give him enough time to suffocate, be devoured, be consumed, be left to rot and die and wither and decay, and they would never see him, they’d never even realize he’d been there.
Orsino, too cunning, too clever, intending to stay alive, loosened one feral growl towards the mass, noting their presence to the others, and Erebos couldn’t say anything, couldn’t look them in the eyes, couldn’t glance their way, already nearly destroyed by all the things he’d had to leave behind.  

Image Credits

{SWP Participation:}

{*SAFE*} (:: {Magic: Dark {Can manipulate the powers of corruption (dark elemental magic) for means of combat purposes on others especially when around other dark magic users}\n::Restrictions {Effects can take a variety of forms and only lasts 30 seconds in battle and the magic will slowly lose potency after one use against the same opponent})\n{*SAFE*} (:: {Magic: Water (P): Able to walk on water\\nRestrictions: {Of no use in battle})\\n\\n{NOT SAFE} (:: {Magic: DarkxFire (U) {Ability to cause combustion upon touch.}\\\\n{Restrictions:: {Can either cause intense damage to 2 dinner-plate sized areas or broad burning damage to a 4x4 foot area.} \\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nEnchanted items\\\\\\\\n{*SAFE*} (Item: Bone armor | Defensive: Made of the bones of Confutatis\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' ancestors, collapses into spinal column/vertebrae. (stolen from Confutatis) (given by Deimos)}\\\\nRestrictions {Will begin to sink into flesh, fusing with the skin over time})\\\\n\\\\nRift-god / Kaos items\\\\n[*}(Item: Glowing Blue Crystal [Small crystal from the body of the Rift Bear God)\\n[*}\n\nAmulets : (One - Spark)\n\nCompanion/s : \n{*SAFE*} (Orsino - Plain Kitsune - Year 1171/Late Freeze-Midscorch - OOC date obtained:3/29/15 )\n[*Not safe*} (Enyo - Common Griffin - Year 1173/Early Freeze-Late Freeze - OOC date obtained:3/4/17 )

Species change (if applicable) : 


Transferring over these items:
:: [ Item: Dagger | Offensive. A small curved, double edged dagger; leather wrapped handle ]

:: [ Item: Armor | Defensive. Flat black metal with royal blue fringing; covers the face and top of body. (stolen from Sialia) (gifted by Hotaru) ]
:: [ Restrictions | Heavy and requires assistance to take off. ]

:: [ Item: Rain Collector | A rain collector vial that alerts to oncoming storms in the area. ]
:: [ Restrictions | Limited to 1 board at a time. ]

:: [ Item: Onyx Scythe. | Offensive. ]

I am in a terrifying place.
Everything feels sick. My heart pounds in my chest, my legs shake. It wasn't cold nessicarily, but I am soaked to the bone. The rain was immediate upon my landing. In all the chaos I forget the owl in my mane and a in my fear it brings me comfort. But  I am not out of the woods yet. I need to find Gwyn, and I need to find Rikyn. It is all slow going, as my shoulder throbs and pulsates. Carefully I make my way in some direction. My blue eyes struggling to find those who are familiar, ears straining for their familiar tones. 

As I limp my way along, the images from only minutes before flash before my eyes. My mother had died. And without warning, sobs rip from my throat. So many had died. Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, daughters and sons. They had all died, and we where left here in this horrible place. Some part of me hoped that maybe, just maybe we would be transported to somewhere else, somewhere nice. But the shadows lurked here, threatening to take your life. Whispering of nightmares. An uncomfortable feeling trembled up my spine, and my fur raised. I felt like a thousand eyes watched me. Nervously my ears fidget, swerving this way and that. The feeling of alone I felt was almost overwhelming. 

My breaths became labored, and my throat slowly closed as panic set in. Each minute I found it harder and harder to remain calm. Where were they? Had the portal let me be the only one to live? What if they had died? I couldn't handle the thought that maybe, just maybe, I was the last one. That I had lost yet another child. That death had claimed another. In desperation my hoarse voice called her name. 


But wait? Not entirely silent. Voices caught my attention and desperately I hobbled through the glowing brush. Even if it wasn't them, I wasn't sure I would stay sane all by myself. But as I catch sight of Gwyn sidled up next to the gold and brown stallion that is her father I cry in joy and relief, and make my way to embrace them. I wasn't alone. I had them. They hadn't left me for the netherworld. Even in this sick land I felt relief. I had my family. And if I had them, We would survive. 

SWP Participant

  • SAFE:: [ Magic: WaterxWind | Can freeze the moisture in breath causing lungs to freeze and burn ] 
  • :: [ Restrictions | Lasts for 20 seconds and can only target 1 character at a time ]

Enchanted items

{*]SAFE:: [ Item: Glow Mushroom Necklace | Produces light beyond it\'s natural ability. ]\n{*}:: [ Restrictions | Can illuminate up to a 5 meter radius. ]\n{*}:: [ Item: Cloak | Defensive. A black wool cloak, connects at the chest with a silver chain. ]\n{*}:: [ Restrictions | Offers limited protection in battle. ]\n\n\n\nRift-god / Kaos items\n\n{*}(item here)\n\n\n{*}(item here)\n{*}\n\nAmulets : (provide number)\n\nCompanion/s : \n{*}:: [ Companion: Snowy Owl, 1173 birth year, obtained on July 9th OOC, Named Selene}

Species change (if applicable) : 


image | bckg
There's just more and more and more, all the time—a quake shifts the floor you all stand on, and a flock of bright-looking birds take flight in the distance. They caw like death itself.

The shadows of the forest bloom and pulse with sickly light; some of it purple, like the faint haze hanging between the trees, and some of it the teal of the one who calls himself Kisamoa. This is his land. This is his lawn.

Fortunately for you, he wants you all here. He is not the presence of this broken, pieced-together land, but he might as well have been.
the Rift


Offensive: Can enter the mind of another, and alter what they feel and perceive.
Transformation: Can walk on water.

The Rift devours your ability to cause combustion upon touch.

Defensive: Bone armor, made from Confutatis' ancestors. It collapses into a spinal column, and will, with time, fuse with the wearer's flesh.

God Item:
You hear a voice—you can't make all the words out, but you catch things like 'retribution', 'truth will out', and 'justice'.

Your one amulet emits a high-pitched keening, like an old kettle boiling, before exploding in a cloud of unused magic and crystal shards. You feel a jolt in your bones, a tickle in your shoulder; the skull fizzles with white sparks, and soon enough, its jaw opens—and out spills a snake made of of lightning. It burns a little as it drops to the ground, slithering away, crackling and sparking. From now on, Erebos, son of Deimos and Huyana, each time it rains, your skull marking will spit out lightning snakes.

Orsino: Kitsune
Obtained: 29 March 2015
Birth Date: Mid-Scorch, 1170

Enyo: Griffin
Obtained: 3 March, 2017
Birth Date: Early Freeze, 1173


Offensive: Can freeze moisture in the breath, causing lungs to freeze and burn.

Vanity: A necklace made of glowing mushrooms. It produces light.

The cloak is unenchanted, so transfer fine.

Selene: Snowy Owl
Obtained: July 9th, 2017
Birth Date: Mid-Drench 1173

Normal items transfer over fine!
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