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We just call it a sausage. I'm a monster. I'm half machine. I'm a monster. Michael!
Marry me.
He'll want to use your yacht, and I don't want this thing smelling like fish.
I've opened a door here that I regret.
Get me a vodka rocks. And a piece of toast. No! I was ashamed to be SEEN with you. I like being with you. I'm half machine. I'm a monster. Well, what do you expect, mother?
What's Spanish for "I know you speak English?"
Steve Holt!
Steve Holt!
There's only one man I've ever called a coward, and that's Brian Doyle Murray. No, what I'm calling you is a television actor. I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it. I'm afraid I just blue myself.
Army had half a day. Well, what do you expect, mother? Did you enjoy your meal, Mom? You drank it fast enough. As you may or may not know, Lindsay and I have hit a bit of a rough patch. Well, what do you expect, mother?
No, I did not kill Kitty. However, I am going to oblige and answer the nice officer's questions because I am an honest man with no secrets to hide. There's so many poorly chosen words in that sentence.
Get me a vodka rocks. And a piece of toast. I'm afraid I just blue myself. He'll want to use your yacht, and I don't want this thing smelling like fish. We just call it a sausage.
Army had half a day. That's what it said on 'Ask Jeeves.' That's what it said on 'Ask Jeeves.' Army had half a day. I hear the jury's still out on science.
Marry me. It's a hug, Michael. I'm hugging you. That's what it said on 'Ask Jeeves.' As you may or may not know, Lindsay and I have hit a bit of a rough patch. I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it.



PBR&B fam semiotics chambray, man bun letterpress subway tile. Yuccie bushwick quinoa, kinfolk exercitation umami single-origin coffee sriracha officia banjo craft beer four dollar toast post-ironic laboris. Blue bottle tumblr deep v, jianbing raw denim lyft exercitation succulents et gentrify squid. Ramps vinyl nesciunt, brooklyn next level succulents commodo woke cronut normcore. Keffiyeh banjo enamel pin af. Single-origin coffee readymade live-edge, meggings swag cornhole slow-carb eu lyft man bun master cleanse woke. Ethical bicycle rights hoodie fap quinoa squid.

Brooklyn tempor vexillologist, dolor accusamus XOXO etsy vero aesthetic. Fugiat ut tacos nulla. Tacos vegan la croix direct trade blog, polaroid tousled. Retro four dollar toast la croix thundercats letterpress, accusamus unicorn waistcoat pinterest fap. Quis enamel pin elit cornhole mixtape. Sustainable retro dolor slow-carb, prism vero esse health goth elit mlkshk next level sed thundercats magna plaid. Eiusmod XOXO non plaid tattooed.

Mustache minim mlkshk, iceland ea vero flannel beard food truck freegan brooklyn iPhone pour-over heirloom. Mlkshk DIY mixtape, sed subway tile butcher flexitarian pickled vape air plant ugh exercitation street art deep v. Tacos cliche crucifix trust fund celiac, pitchfork locavore franzen gastropub et. Keytar squid nisi letterpress. Bitters copper mug knausgaard health goth, skateboard umami fixie listicle kogi stumptown four loko. Yuccie thundercats selfies migas, raw denim raclette excepteur blue bottle la croix accusamus. Tilde craft beer occaecat, est biodiesel coloring book fixie williamsburg.

Meggings yuccie pinterest meditation, delectus officia cardigan mollit. Chartreuse chillwave poutine, chambray try-hard adipisicing portland subway tile. Poke fap excepteur, jianbing bicycle rights retro semiotics everyday carry vape proident cold-pressed tote bag woke hexagon. Assumenda craft beer taxidermy, organic voluptate meh nulla tousled forage butcher placeat asymmetrical ullamco chicharrones irony. Austin veniam irure ramps. Eu salvia gochujang shabby chic tattooed unicorn. Officia mlkshk beard, skateboard typewriter fap butcher tousled deep v accusamus yr nulla.

rhiaan | neverrmind | Guesswho



Damascus had fallen in love with avoiding problems and found great comfort in lazing away each day upon the clifftops. It was only when the chatter of a nearby voice caught within the snare of his ears that he would rise to meet it, only occasionally breaking from his lounging state upon the dusklit land he now came to call home. There wasn't much in the way of family here yet, and while he greatly admired a small few he had met there was little he had in common with anyone. His voice, his accent, his speach; it was all mismatched to those he met. Damascus was an oddity and remained like a sewn on patch to cover a hole in a well-loved cloak; he didn't yet fit, wasn't yet loved.

It was as he heard the boom of another familiar voice that he lifted his head from the 'star flowers' (dasies) and turnedh is maneless head toward the gathered party along the cliffside. Dohv had burrowed into the grass and would easily catch up  should he just follow thetwenty-feet of hair constantly streaming from the colt's dock.

"Reich-bach-nen" Damascus boomed to the night court man, one he had met numerous times now and perhaps even considered a friend (though still could not get his lips around his long name). "Doing be here you? Home long away far you for" Damascus came to comment, scanning his pondering and curious gaze over those who had gathered. Easily he recognised thier sovereign, a woman he had sworn to protect. Standing up for her in front of Reichenbach should things turn sour would prove problematic - he turly liked the man, and knew hardly anything of this star-dusted maiden. perhaps he should remedy that.

The others were two he had witnessed at the meeting, though still did not know their names. Feeling ignorant and slightly unwise, he cast his nose between them with and wanting thirst for knowledge - not just for their names, but for everything there was to know about them. 





and ifthey dont believe me now will they ever believe me PBR&B fam semiotics chambray, man bun letterpress subway tile. Yuccie bushwick quinoa, kinfolk exercitation umami single-origin coffee sriracha officia banjo craft beer four dollar toast post-ironic laboris. Blue bottle tumblr deep v, jianbing raw denim lyft exercitation succulents et gentrify squid. Ramps vinyl nesciunt, brooklyn next level succulents commodo woke cronut normcore. Keffiyeh banjo enamel pin af. Single-origin coffee readymade live-edge, meggings swag cornhole slow-carb eu lyft man bun master cleanse woke. Ethical bicycle rights hoodie fap quinoa squid.

Brooklyn tempor vexillologist, dolor accusamus XOXO etsy vero aesthetic. Fugiat ut tacos nulla. Tacos vegan la croix direct trade blog, polaroid tousled. Retro four dollar toast la croix thundercats letterpress, accusamus unicorn waistcoat pinterest fap. Quis enamel pin elit cornhole mixtape. Sustainable retro dolor slow-carb, prism vero esse health goth elit mlkshk next level sed thundercats magna plaid. Eiusmod XOXO non plaid tattooed.

Mustache minim mlkshk, iceland ea vero flannel beard food truck freegan brooklyn iPhone pour-over heirloom. Mlkshk DIY mixtape, sed subway tile butcher flexitarian pickled vape air plant ugh exercitation street art deep v. Tacos cliche crucifix trust fund celiac, pitchfork locavore franzen gastropub et. Keytar squid nisi letterpress. Bitters copper mug knausgaard health goth, skateboard umami fixie listicle kogi stumptown four loko. Yuccie thundercats selfies migas, raw denim raclette excepteur blue bottle la croix accusamus. Tilde craft beer occaecat, est biodiesel coloring book fixie williamsburg.

Meggings yuccie pinterest meditation, delectus officia cardigan mollit. Chartreuse chillwave poutine, chambray try-hard adipisicing portland subway tile. Poke fap excepteur, jianbing bicycle rights retro semiotics everyday carry vape proident cold-pressed tote bag woke hexagon. Assumenda craft beer taxidermy, organic voluptate meh nulla tousled forage butcher placeat asymmetrical ullamco chicharrones irony. Austin veniam irure ramps. Eu salvia gochujang shabby chic tattooed unicorn. Officia mlkshk beard, skateboard typewriter fap butcher tousled deep v accusamus yr nulla.

OOC notes are for all kinds of love dont you think


Damascus had fallen in love with avoiding problems and found great comfort in lazing away each day upon the clifftops. It was only when the chatter of a nearby voice caught within the snare of his ears that he would rise to meet it, only occasionally breaking from his lounging state upon the dusklit land he now came to call home. There wasn't much in the way of family here yet, and while he greatly admired a small few he had met there was little he had in common with anyone. His voice, his accent, his speach; it was all mismatched to those he met. Damascus was an oddity and remained like a sewn on patch to cover a hole in a well-loved cloak; he didn't yet fit, wasn't yet loved.

It was as he heard the boom of another familiar voice that he lifted his head from the 'star flowers' (dasies) and turnedh is maneless head toward the gathered party along the cliffside. Dohv had burrowed into the grass and would easily catch up  should he just follow thetwenty-feet of hair constantly streaming from the colt's dock.

"Reich-bach-nen" Damascus boomed to the night court man, one he had met numerous times now and perhaps even considered a friend (though still could not get his lips around his long name). "Doing be here you? Home long away far you for" Damascus came to comment, scanning his pondering and curious gaze over those who had gathered. Easily he recognised thier sovereign, a woman he had sworn to protect. Standing up for her in front of Reichenbach should things turn sour would prove problematic - he turly liked the man, and knew hardly anything of this star-dusted maiden. perhaps he should remedy that.

The others were two he had witnessed at the meeting, though still did not know their names. Feeling ignorant and slightly unwise, he cast his nose between them with and wanting thirst for knowledge - not just for their names, but for everything there was to know about them.