the Rift

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Chaos has a way of turning the natural order of things on its head. Sometimes it just means that those who live perish, or that life as one knows it is altered beyond recognition. But sometimes, it can also give those who were once dead, another shot at life.

Through the open tear between the fabrics of reality, a thing came flowing in from the great void. Neither ghost nor demon, nor living thing it was, and with no more substance than the memory of a dream. Torn from its slumber by the great powers of the portal, ripped from its resting place for reasons unknown, it was washed into the Rift and hung in the air like a tattered wisp of silvery energy, weak and vulnerable and without purpose. As it was heavier than the air, the essence soon began to drift down towards the ground and soaked into the damp loam with the rain, gone without a trace.

For the longest time, nothing happened.

Until, quite suddenly, the moist earth began to bulge and heave. Writhing and churning it rose steadily upwards, forced from beneath by some living thing, something that which, like a sprouting seed, reached towards the dim lights of the sky. Birds quieted in the trees and all around the area, animals stilled and watched in dewy-eyed surprise as the crust of earth split open and birthed forth a stallion. Gasping for breath it coughed and spluttered, mud and earth exploding from the mouth and the flaring nostrils with every desperate heave of the chest, and with each kick and scrape of dark slate hooves. Roots tangled the steely-hued frame in a tight embrace, wrapped around legs and neck, around the throat, as if to keep it locked in this earthen prison. But the stallion was too strong, too ferocious in its struggle and slowly, painstakingly, the horse dug its way up from the ground.

Once free, it lay sprawled upon the ground for a long time, the long legs splayed out and pale mane spread over a pillow of moss and leaf. Asleep, it seemed, or merely so exhausted from the struggle that it could not keep its eyes open; only the gentle rise and fall of the side revealed any sign of life. Rain streamed down from the overcast sky; gradually the mud and dirt that caked across its hide was washed clean, revealing the metallic gold and silver hues of the coat in all its splendor.

All was still, and quiet, and when nothing else happened, the creatures of the area resumed their nightly errands and blanketed the surroundings in a heavy film of sound.

For the longest time, all the stallion did was to lie there and listen, eyes closed as he absorbed the cacophony of sound that enveloped him, the feeling of ground beneath his body and the touch of rain upon his skin. Each breath was sweeter than anything he had ever tasted, and neither the damp nor the soreness in his limbs could suppress the great wave of joy that gradually rose up from within as he realized the nature of this miracle.

He was alive.

This is all I ever Was



- Able to regenerate wounds and regrow limbs by absorbing life energy and organic matter.
- Able to grow plants from seed and manipulate their movements with his thoughts
- Able to speed up or slow down the time around objects and people, causing them to age or rejuvenate

{Lace comes from Helovia but as he died on that site I have no idea if I should join him as a completely new character or transfer his old magic... so I\'ve used basically the same elements as he had before, but tweaked them a bit to make it more interesting.\nALSO if I\'m not allowed to revive a dead character like this, just have the Rift Presence kill him again. I don\'t want to make trouble.}


- Dragon pendant - A white pendant in the shape of a dragon that come alive to defend him if he is physically threatened.

Though it is death — death of a world — that has brought life to this twisted, sick, shadowed place, the shades here still recoil from death. The Rift thrives on life, this realm had already been dying, once.

So they hang back from this newcomer for a few, long moments. Are you safe from their hunger? It seems that you are—


One particularly greedy tendril of darkness strays close, and tastes a drop of your power. And then they all swarm.
the Rift


Healing: Able to heal wounds and regrow limbs by absorbing surrounding energy. Wounds/limbs regenerated are severely mutated.
Though you may be safe from death, you are not safe from the Rift. It gorges on your magics and mutates what it leaves behind.

Defensive: White dragon pendant that comes alive if owner feels threatened. Will attack owner when alive.
Finding blood had been a big moment for me. All this time I had seen myself as an only child, the orphan left behind by two unknown hearts that fell for each other. Shah had gone his own way, however I was certain that Cahira and I would bump into him soon enough again. For now, I was simply exploring. Maybe Cahira was following me, maybe not, but I wanted to see what kind of place I had fallen into.
And who I would end up meeting.

I do doubt I'd meet anyone I knew. Because a whole new world included new souls, right? Most of the time at least. As the rain kept falling, drops clouded my eyes and made it hard to see in the dark, thus me not seeing that I was close to bump right into someone new.

ooc: Shorter than short, but just throwing her in here! Basically, she's about to crash into  :'D
word count: 142

He could have stayed there forever, sprawled on the ground like some fallen fruit while the rain tapped against his body with gentle fingers. Time had no meaning to the newborn son of earth, nor did he want for anything. Hunger was a distant thing, thirst of no consequence. Every sound, every scent, every fleeting whisper of light across the eyelids was inconsequential, a mere curiosity within the all encompassing euphoria each new breath unleashed upon his senses. Gone were every trace of the worries that had haunted him before, gone was the memory of all he was, had ever been or might yet become. It was unimportant, of infinitely less interest than the chorus of croaking frogs, of the wind in the trees and the rush of water, that all combined and united into a cacophony of noise so loud that it drowned out the steady rhythm of approaching footsteps.

The stallion did not realize that his solitude had been disturbed until someone stepped on him. Surprised, he grunted and rolled away, eyes snapping open as he heaved up onto his feet and turned a steady, gentle and rather curious golden gaze upon the intruder.

"... pardon" he said, with a half smile.

This is all I ever Was

As my vision cleared up, I simultaneously also realized that I was stepping on someone. If he had not grunted though, I would've thought of it as uneven grounds because it seemed logical in this wet forest. I whipped my head to move the black forelock upon my brow as it lovingly laid itself over my lashes while the grullo rolled away and got to his feet. 

Standing ever so slightly taller than me, he gave half a smile with a 'pardon' and my blue gaze stared into golden irises, catching me off-guard for half a second. Then I remembered that I actually stepped on him. "Oh! I'm so sorry, the rain has me blinded and.." Excuse after excuse rolled off my tongue, although it was true. But even so, it was incredibly rude nonetheless to not watch where I'm going.

"Please forgive my clumsiness." My stare was directed into the ground, before I shyly met his gaze again. "I'm Dallilja. What's your name?"


as the legacy continues
she becomes her own
ooc // -
wordcount // 164
tags // Lace

image 1 || image 2 || coding
It is lured in by something, but what, it is doubtful you will ever know.

It is one of the Rainforest's deepest, darkest secrets—one of its lost, unfortunate children. It wandered upon ghostly, translucent limbs, sturdy bones like shadows beneath its pallid skin. Its spine jutted sharply beneath the thin veneer of skin, and long tendrils took attention from the grotesque curve of its back. Lights glowed upon them, soothing and gentle, so at odds with the creature's hideous shape. It is not canine, nor feline, nor cervine or equine or.. resembling anything, truly. Its hind end is much smaller than the muscular chest, like something under-developed, but despite this, it moves with ease. It is not hindered by its awkward physique, but lumbers along with surprising grace and speed.

Soon, it catches the scent of the two horses. The gait becomes faster, and it flits from tree to tree, stalking you from the shadows, impossibly fast with its mismatched body—grotesque with the show of writhing muscles and sinews beneath the transparent skin, and the black, black teeth growing in its gums.

You should run. Both of you.

It's upon you in an instant, by fate closer to Lace than the mare, and when its square jaws open, it emits a high-pitched, mournful cry, and a smoke of black toxins. It is not unpleasant to inhale, it does not sting the throat, the eyes, or the lungs, and the effects are not, at first, unpleasant either. It is like floating, perhaps on a gentle sea, perhaps in sunlight, or moonlight, like separating from your anxiety and worry and simply being.. but it doesn't stop there. Bit by bit it erases you from your own mind, taking everything but your consciousness, leaving you detached and confused and disconnected.

It might still be pleasant. It doesn't know. It just knows that the black cloud makes its prey pliable, unable to properly react or defend itself, as it sinks its black teeth into the gray stallion's warm neck. His blood is hot and sweet and even as his knees buckle and he topples to the forest floor, the Walker does not let go. The sensation of someone bleeding out its in mouth, a tide of salt and metal tastes, is much too good to waste on moss.

It doesn't care about the mare, not yet. Its strong jaws and sharp teeth savage the so recently revived, devouring him.

If you haven't already, Dallilja, you definitely should run now.

[ Per request of his player, Lace has been killed. is probably enough outside of range to be able to get away before her mind gets too addled! ]
the Rift