the Rift

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She did NOT need any reason to actually like the change in scenery. And yet, stepping through that damn portal did some nice things for her. It wasn't the color of her wings or the added feathers in places she hadn't had them before - that was just cool - but the fact that her amulets exploded and she felt nice was enough to leave her feeling a bit unnerved. Was it trying to lure her in with the intent to fuck her up later? Or did she simply have absurdly good luck? If it was luck, surely it had been used up in that very odd encounter. It hadn't been all positive, of course. The neon eyes and odd growling sounds were enough to send disturbed shivers down the spine. Then there was the rain, the incessant and seemingly endless rain that hadn't stopped falling since she'd landed on the wrong side of the portal. This place was like the wrong side of the tracks - there's a strong feeling of being watched and it doesn't feel harmless; it feels life-threatening and unpredictable. Just stepping through the portal placed a 'kill me' sign on her forehead.
Yet, it's extremely hard to push aside the latent feelings following the shattering of her amulets. Whatever that particularly strange magic was, it clung to her - overriding her anxiety before it could truly escalate, making her comfortable in this odd new place. Normally she would insist on flying when delving into the exploration of a new place but somewhere between this dreadful rain and her heavily pregnant body, the girl is stuck on the ground. A grounded bird is a vulnerable bird (and possibly even a dead one) but the choices are exceedingly miniscule. So Naerys moves away from the portal while Petyr quietly weaves the white strands of her mane into a loose, somewhat messy braid. Her progress is slow as she carefully picks her way through the trees and though it would be easy to blame it on her swollen sides (and somewhere in the depths of her mind, she does), there is no denying how thick the vegetation grows the further from the portal she goes.
The rain, the thickening rainforest, her larger size and lack of ability to really fly all contribute to an inevitable pause in her journey. With a snort and a frustrated stomp of her hoof, the young mare shakes her wings in an attempt to rid them of some of the water before clutching the newly green appendages tightly against her sides. There was still a lingering floral smell but it was somewhat difficult to tell if it was coming from her Rift-mutated feathers, the passionflowers growing around her hooves, or both. (Odds are in favor of the latter.) With her progress temporarily stalled, the mare lifts her teal gaze to scan her surroundings - ever alert for any potential danger. Naerys hopes for peace, for quiet but should the worst occur, at least the dual-bladed dagger is strapped to her left forearm. Odd how a simple blade can bring such comfort but death is usually imminent where hope does not exist.

[ she's confused, grumpy, and pregnant. no attacks, please, don't want the unborn baby harmed. <3 otherwise, completely open! ]
Akumi walks as quietly as she can lest she alert the ever constant watching eyes. There seems to be a black fog that surrounds her just enough around her hooves to where their Crimson color turns brown looking. She raised her head to the air. Breathing in enough air to fill both lungs completely, she exhales memorizing and identifying everything she just pulled in. Mud, Rain, Woods, Unknown creatures, Faint smell of horses, and an overbearing scent of sweet flowers. Seeing only mud beneath her due to the constant rain, she'd had nothing to snack on yet and her stomach made a small noise in request to be fed.

Akumi followed the smell with her neck stretched out and nostrils flared. She walked carefully enough that vines wouldn't catch in her tail but clumsy enough to stumble on her own footing a few times. Unknown to her, the red lightning-like marks on her back that usually dimly glowed were now growing brighter as she approached the smell she was looking for. This might have been important information to her; had she known the lightning stripes were even there let alone glowed.

A few twigs snapped in front of her and she knew another creature was near. Was it coming to kill her? One of those glowing eyes in the darkness come to hunt her down while she was distracted by food? She stood on guard. Had she been a dog, her hair would have raised along the line of her back. Akumi was looking behind her so often in fear of something stalking her that she almost didn't notice the mare directly in front of her. Turning back around she froze, stiff legged and eyes wide she took a big gulp that could probably have been heard a mile away. By this time now her lines were brighter than ever before. "Hello! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to startle you! I-I didn't see you." She said nervously. This mare's teal blue eyes are what caught her attention first, like an ocean they shimmered in beautiful contrast to the rest of the forests neon surroundings. What caught her attention second was her enormous belly. This mare looked heavily pregnant and a bit exhausted. It must have been exhausting carrying all the weight from the rains that drenched the both of them, the baby's weight, and her soaked wings. After glancing over her for a moment she spoke with respect, "Sorry I was so rude a moment ago." The dark mare dipped her horn to the painted lady and carefully placed one knee in the mud. It was gross but showing her respect was worth it to her. " My name is Akumi. It's nice to finally see someone else around here for once." She smiled nervously. "Are you doing okay? Anything I could help you with?" Before helovia fell she was training to be a nurse so she knew some knowledge in medicines and helping others and her natural desire to help anyone in need beckoned her to give her a check to make sure she came out of the Portal unharmed. She put on a friendly face and hoped the mare wouldn't take offense to her presence.

{OOC: Your character is sooooooo pretty!!! Also, Akumi doesn\'t know about the markings the rift gave her yet but I wanted to let you know that you are welcome to mention them if your character desires to.} <3
There are plenty of new and unfamiliar noises that Naerys is in a near constant state of alertness, ears swiveling to determine what might be a threat and what might be just passing by. Not that she could easily flee from any potential threat - not this heavily pregnant and soaked to the bone. Flying seems like a completely impossible task - one that is likely to end poorly. With a silent mental nudge, she sent Petyr up into the trees - relying heavily on his keen senses. Yet, even with him on patrol, she couldn't quite bring herself to relax. Still tense, the girl attempts to shift her weight into a more comfortable position (but what comfort can be truly had so late in pregnancy?)

Any and all attempts at seeking comfort, without delving further into the unknown by herself, in this dark yet glowing world are only met with more discomfort. Or so it seems. Perhaps it is due to this foreign place or perhaps it is simply due to being heavy with foal, either way it did little to make Naerys feel more friendly or social. In fact, the effects are rather the opposite. She'd kick a tree if she weren't afraid to face the potentially aggressive side effects. Somehow she'd ended up separated from her family and though she knows Alysanne, Iona, and Zoeya made it through, she still didn't know about Mauja, Kvasir, or Caenan. Any and all hope she might have had for the latter is effectively gone but the lingering twinge of anger and sadness remains tucked away inside her heart. Memories of Caenan only adding to her irritation - flattening her ears and exhaling sharply through flared nostrils.

Yet, the longer she stands in this dreadfully muddy place - somewhat hidden amongst the damp foliage of the rainforest - the thicker the bed of purple and white passionflowers beneath her becomes. They are one of the few constants in her tumultuous life. One of the very few reliable things. 'Some... near. Not look... threat.' Petyr's oddly broken and distorted voice interrupts her negative, brooding thoughts just in time for her to hear the sounds of steps growing ever nearer. She turns her head just in time for her teal gaze to fall on the dark unicorn mare - watches silently as the other mare stiffens and freezes in place, startled as clear as day. Naerys hears the mare stammering, listens to her apology and something about her not seeing her but it doesn't really sink in because her teal eyes almost instantly fall on the glowing red lightning-like markings on the mare's dark back. The Rift, she knew, changed those from Helovia when they stepped through - how many and how severely, she didn't entirely know but it made her wonder if she'd ever met this mare before. After all, she herself had been changed by the Rift. So when the nervous rambling seemed to stop, she shook her head lightly and returned her attention to meeting the mare's gaze. "Hm?" she murmurs softly, only just admitting she hadn't exactly been the most polite. "Oh! It's all right, really. I'm fine." she offers a soft, friendly smile - hoping, perhaps, to ease the mare's anxiety. "Those markings on your back are quite pretty. Did they always glow like that?" she asks curiously.

How easily she'd swept aside her discomfort, how easily she threw herself into this distraction. It is so readily welcomed; nearly desired. Her own surprise is rather clear when the other mare begins to apologize again. "What? Oh...,'s...fine." her own words are somewhat jumbled, choppy and heavy with odd pauses as they slide from her lips. But that's only just the beginning. Soon the mare is dipping herself down into a bow but she doesn't stop with just a tip of her head, no. Soon she's lowering her knee into the muddy rainforest floor. "Oh! No no... no, please!" she practically begs, cringing internally at the sound of her knee sinking into the muddy goop. "You didn't have to..." she begins but her voice trails off in a soft sigh as the mare introduces herself. Akumi. The name doesn't sound familiar but that doesn't answer any questions of Helovian ties. "It's nice to meet you, Akumi. I'm Naerys, formerly of the World's Edge. Did you come from Helovia, too?" she asks outright, finding it best to remain open and honest in this particular moment. Akumi didn't seem like a threat, and though it's possible her judgment is off Naerys feels rather confident in this particular situation. "I'm all right, just tired of trying to find my way through these thick trees. I'm not as small as I used to be..." she adds with a soft smile, chuckling at her own size and lifting her wings briefly as if to gesture to her larger girth.

Her pregnancy wasn't entirely planned but she had to embrace it completely now. It wasn't exactly easy for her with her limited knowledge and exposure but then, most of it is reliant on instinct... right? Naerys exhales softly, hoping she'd successfully hidden her anxiety over the foal she'd be giving birth to in a matter of days. There were so many questions rolling around in her head that simply couldn't be answered by anyone else. Only time could grant her the answers.

Sorry for the delay! Life got busy all of a sudden. Aw, thank you! Akumi sounds super pretty, too! I'm excited to see how these two click <3
World's Edge

"I came from there too!" Akumi said proudly although the back of her mind flashed with the deaths of all her other herd-mates. Regardless of how strong her emotions got she was determined to be strong for this new mare she's met and keep a good bright smile in her expression. In doing this she gave answer to her question of Helovia without ever really mentioning the name. She found the word hard to release from her lips. Helovia is gone...

"I love your chest of feathers and um flowers on your feet?" She didn't realize how rude it could have sounded at first if Naerys had decided to take it that way. Before she realized she had been staring for a while, her bright red glowing strikes had begun to dim to their original glow. They seemed to glow when Akumi thought she was a stranger but began to fade again once they had formally met. She snapped up and would've blushed if she could and apologized for staring so long "Sorry, they're just so pretty and they smell so good haha." She laughed nervously and cocked a back foot in the mud. "Would you mind if I went with you wherever we've ended up?" Truth was Akumi didn't want to go alone and this mare didn't look like she should go alone with a baby so close to being born. Who knows whats in this world and what dangers lurk just around the corner? Akumi was willing to protect her at a small price of friendship.

Naerys might have been more surprised to hear that this mare that she'd bumped into in the middle of this tangled mess of rainforest if she hadn't spent Helvoia's (and subsequently, the World's Edge) final days wandering. But she'd hoped to find traces of Caenan again or that perhaps she'd find him by the sea like she had the first time they'd met - and then miraculously, it would be just as it was in the old days. Like he'd never left without a word. Like he hadn't ripped her heart out and stomped on it. So when the dark mare proudly and enthusiastically declared that she'd come from the Edge too, Naerys immediately looked her over again - digging through her memories only to come up empty. They'd never met, that much was clear, but Naerys wasn't about to distrust the mare because of it. "Well, I'm glad you found me, Akumi." she says genuinely, though the smile she flashes is quick and rather small - disappearing almost as suddenly as it curled her lips.

For a moment, Naerys was lost in her own thoughts and Akumi's complement nearly slipped through the conversation unnoticed. "Oh." she begins, lowering her gaze briefly to her hooves - teal eyes focusing on the passionflowers. "The flowers actually grow from the ground wherever my hooves touch, see?" she concludes as she raises one hoof, shows it to Akumi then touches it to a place that was bare of passionflowers nearby. Within moments, the flowers began to grow from that spot too, and so she returns her hoof to its' prior position. "This place added the feathers to my chest and backs of my legs, and changed the color of my wings. I'm not quite sure how but it changed my aunt and my mom, too." she adds with a slight rolling of her shoulders in a sort of shrug. For a time, there is little more than the patter of raindrops against the leaves. "Sticking together would be for the best, I think. My mother, Alysanne, is here as well along with a few others from the Edge." the young mare concludes, offering the darker, slightly older mare a gentle smile.

we only make peace with our enemies
that's why it's called "making peace"
image || coding

So sorry for the wait! D:
Akumi watches as the mare begins to grow the flowers from her hooves. "Woah!" she exclaims. She's never seen anything like it in her life. "All the rift decided to do to me was screw with my horn." she says as she leans down to show Naerys a spiraled but curved horn; embarrassingly unaware of the glowing lines upon her back. She accepts the idea of companionship and Akumi returns to her a smile. "I would enjoy traveling with you. Have you actually found your mother or anyone else yet? We could go look for them together if you like?" she offers excitedly. The idea of meeting new people and looking for them sounded like an adventure, which is something Akumi is more than willing to have. Suddenly her sense comes back to her and the largely pregnant mare beside her. "Forgive me, I sort of um.. forgot?" she nervously giggled. How could she forget something so huge. "I'm sure if we just go on as usual we will find them eventually." Alysanne is a name that begins to sound familiar to her and a face almost comes to the name but it's blurry ad out of focus. She doesn't know if or when shes ever met this mare before but either way, her daughter was beautiful and the Rift only added to her perfection.

(OOC: Oh goodness forgive me for the late reply!! Just got sidetracked and totally lost track of this thread. <3 -hugs-