the Rift

Full Version: Styling Your Profile
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This is a cobbled-together-in-five-minutes thing for changing your profile's colors and banner. Make sure you put it in the Custom CSS field or it will not work!

You probably have to add stuff like text color changes to some fields, depending on which background colors you choose to work with, etc. :)

Depending on your profile banner, you might have to update the height .banner
To remove the background from thead, first declare background-image: none; and then background-color: #;

<style type="text/css">
body { background: url(''); background-position: bottom center; background-size: 100% auto; }
.banner { border-color: ; }
.banner { background: url(''); }
.banner .homelink h7 a:link,
.banner .homelink h7 a:visited,
a:link, a:visited { color: ; }
.banner .homelink h7 a:active,
.banner .homelink h7 a:hover,
a:active, a:hover { color: ; }

.navigation { background-color: ; }
.top_menu { background-color: ; }

.layout_header .menu .item,
.profile_switchers ul li,
.profile_switchers ul li.selected,
.profile_container { background-color: ; }

.profile_name .quote { background-color: ; }

.layout_header .menu .item .heading { background-color: ; }

.profile_switchers ul li:hover,
.info_bar h9,
.info_bar h8 { background-color: ; }

.info_bar { border-color: ; }

.profile_image_switcher ul { background-color: ; }
.profile_image_switcher ul li:hover { background-color: ; }

.thead { background-color: ; }
.tcat { background-color: ; }
.trow1 { background-color: ; }

#return-to-top { background: #; border-color: #; }
#return-to-top:hover { background-color: #; }
#return-to-top i { color: #; }
#return-to-top:hover i { color: ; }

#footer .upper, #footer .lower { background-color: ; color: ;  }
Updated again, most notably .profile_name .quote got added