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Full Version: Help with Title!
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So, Rosco gets to claim a Legendary Title. Yeah! But I have no idea what to do.

Here are some ideas that were thrown into the discord chat and a couple random ones I threw in.

Roscorro the kind
Roscorro the gentle
Roscorro the dragon heart (2 vote)
Roscorro the gentle hearted
Roscorro the dragonkin (2 vote)
Roscorro the quiet flame
Roscorro the gentle knight
Roscorro the hidden flame
Roscorro the dragon king (1 vote)

More member suggestions.

Roscorro the mysterious
Roscorro the Dragonborn
Roscorro the Bleeding Heart
Roscorro the Guardian of Lost Foals/Souls

I am not settled on any and would love more suggestions if anyone thinks something else would fit better. Or if you like one of those about let me know!

Thank you so much!
I like the Dragon Heart or Dragon King, personally

Dragonborn and Bleeding Heart might go will him as well.

Also, just based on his history in the Rift:

Roscorro the Guardian of Lost Foals
I love Dragon Heart!

Also, Roscorro the Pied Piper of Havylen
I also like Dragon Heart!!
Thank you all for your help! Ive decided to go with Dragon Heart. <333