the Rift

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She poked a little pocket of sunlight with a stick. The Solar Flower shuttered as the wood sizzled. A single petal fell free, hissing as it touched a large damp leaf she had maneuvered underneath it. She looked at the flower, squinting against it s bright light. It felt so wrong, damaging the very thing her and her friends had worked so hard to save. But she needed to complete her trial. Gently she prodded the plant once more, trying to coax a few more petals free without doing irrespirable damage. All the while trying not to go blind by sticking her face so close to its light.

She knew she needed to get more than one petal. But it was hard knocking them off with a stick. But her trial stated that she had to do this job without being burned. So she was left to slowly poke and prod until the reluctant flower gave in. Several more petals fell. That would have to do. She didn't dare harm it further. Placing her stick aside she gingerly grabbed her leaf and slid it over to another flower. Where she proceeded to repeat her actions of prodding petals free. She received a few more pieces of the flower for her efforts. Feeling guilty over each fallen piece. That was enough. This would do. Somehow she knew that this was an acceptable amount. Ever careful she wrapped her spoiled up in the heavy leaf that had caught them. Then tenderly lifted the package as if it were a new born babe. Hopefully these flowers would be okay after her pestering. "Forgive me, beautiful flower." She whispered. "But the Rift has asked for some of your beautiful petals."

She'd hate for any of them to die. They had worked so hard to save them before. Okay. She had them, now what? Looking about the mare wondered if the task had been complete. She certainly didn't feel compelled to mutilate flowers anymore. White spots danced before her eyes, as if she had been staring at the sun for too long. Which she sort of had since Solar flowers gave off light similar to the sun. She blinked to try and clear her vision before moving on.

talk talk talk talk
Tell me a story
About how the sun loved the moon so much;
He died every night
to let her breath.
image credit to TayaRavena @

ooc: K'yarie has to take petals from the Solar flower without being burned. Anyone is welcome to join her!
She stood in the storm

Solanis, with its startling hues, sun-like warmth and utterly enormous flora, was a region Valkyrie could not remember visiting since arriving in this realm between worlds. It was a gloriously dense forest nestled away to the west, as far from Halyven and Hope as the Rift would allow her to travel. This was why the vibrant region, along with nearby marginal areas like Siren’s Summit and Uwaritace, had become a welcome refuge; it was home.

For many long months, she had concealed herself beneath the cover of giant ferns like a recluse, avoiding the notice of other horses and pretending that, otherwise, all was just fine; only her internal charade could not have been further from the truth. Valkyrie’s rocked resolve was still haunted by the curse: her frame was brawny and angular, quite without the fine, feminine lines she’d been born with and loved, there were additional pieces wedged between her legs, and her bold, sultry voice possessed now the rough, low tone of a man. It was a nightmare and thus far she’d been helpless to escape.

Though vain insecurity had quickly consumed her, they young Shieldmaiden thought often of K’yarie. Reflecting over the journeys they’d embarked on together, and the like-mindedness that had filled her with a comforting sense of belonging. She’d not seen the celestial goddess (her idol in truth), since that day and loneliness gnawed a gaping wound in her heart…

It was mid-morning, and so far, just another day.

Though Drench had not eased, and its endless torrent still plunged to saturate the landscape, Valkyrie stood amid the radiating warmth and glow of cheerful solar flowers cluttered about the forest floor. She had come to value their presence, for they offered soothing warmth while every other aspect of life felt so bitterly, depressingly cold. As she dozed (she had become quite the sleeper), the soft murmur of whispered words brushed her ear. One swivelled forward, followed by her pale twin and roused further, the winged horse’s lashes peeled apart.

With the tendrils of darkness still binding her step, she began to turn slowly, desperate to slip beneath the cover of the undergrowth before she was seen. But as she pulled one hoof from the ground and then began the same struggle with the next, the billow of purply mane between lush fernery across the way prompted her to stop. K’yarie? …the small admirer dared not utter aloud. Those ears which had pricked with sudden eagerness suddenly deviated backwards, nestling uncertainly against the swamp of white tangles, and her heart began to throb for the sake of her grim predicament.

Nothing could ever be the same again. Aching to hide, Valkyrie clenched her teeth and worked harder to move.

and when the wind did not blow her way,
she adjusted her sails.


@K'yarie <3
A scent caused her to stop. She dropped her leaf, the glowing petals spilling out onto the ground. They lay forgotten as the mare swiftly turned. Her ebony hooves carrying her swiftly towards the owner. "Valkyrie?" She breathed, hopeful. Her body elegantly came to a stopped before the other. Her hopeful gaze turning to that of startled sadness. "I'm sorry, I thought you were someone I knew." He looked so much like her beloved follower. Yet she could not deny the scent of a stallion upon this horse's flesh. Yet every other aspect was the same. "Forgive me, but are you perhaps related to Valkyrie? A shield maiden from the lands of Sunnmøre."

She had learned much from her little friend. Delighting to hear of her world beyond the portal. Though their customs were rather strange, it explained so much about her. About how she had become the person she was. In a way K'yarie wanted to kick the teeth in of the High-Maiden and how she had let Val loose within the world while truly not being prepared for it. She was so arrogant, so proud. The fall would surely come, and it would be a mighty crash. A potentially fatal one. How could you in your right mind let a young maiden leave your care so naïve, so, so...

Her brain couldn't think of the word, so outrage she was at the lead of Valkyrie's home. If all of them were that way, she wasn't surprised that they'd eventually crumble under the weight of their own haughtiness. A good measure of humility kept one in perspective. Kept one truly sharp. At least Val knew how to defend herself in a physical fight. So long as she didn't become cocky and relied on her training, she should be okay. But that girl was led so strongly by her emotions that it wouldn't be hard for her to lose her cool in a fight.

Egoistical! That was the word. Wow, that was saying something coming from her. She was fully aware of her own pride, though bitter years had honed her blade. Tempered her fire until it was a focused blast that would incinerate anyone who came too close. It was not the raging, wild blaze that burned with no real direction, that was Valkyrie. There was so much she still needed to teach her girl. But she had not seen her since the herd meeting.

Having lost track of her. Now this man stood before her, mocking her with how similar he looked to her. But she did not reveal the hurt, the guilt at letting Val out of her sight. The worry. No, those were locked away after her initial look when they had come face to face. She was composed as she stood before the smaller stallion. As she waited for the other to speak, not daring to hope that the other had information pertaining to her partner in crime.

talk talk talk talk
Tell me a story
About how the sun loved the moon so much;
He died every night
to let her breath.
image credit to TayaRavena @

ooc: It is a good thing the high-maiden isn't in this world or else K'yarie would be challenging her to a fight. xD
She stood in the storm

Beautiful as the Seraph’s dream, the delicious fragrance of the empyrean, star-cloaked mare wafted forth amid familiar mist-like galaxies, billowing like a bride’s veil around the tangible form amid behemoth leaves and luminous blooms - even Solanis’s strange loveliness paled in comparison to K’yarie. But as they stood together in the rain, reunited of course by fate, Valkyrie found herself tracing instead the crude lines of a stranger’s expression, a stallion’s, and like withered leaves, the cursed mare’s hope fell fast.

How can this be?

It was, in that moment, as though a vice-grip seized her heart and for a second she felt as though she couldn’t breathe. Fear, confusion, disgust, feelings that spurred a flood of adrenaline through her bloodstream and as her pulse pounded past unbalanced ears, the Shieldmaiden nearly missed the words that he offered. Anger writhed beneath the surface of her pale, perfect skin, bubbling visibly as she shifted weight from left to right. “I am no other!…”

Contempt lathered the bitter retort, and her eyes, which had looked before so burdened and bruised, flashed with the same snarling vigour that had perhaps, landed her this nightmarish predicament in the first place.

Deep beneath the baritone note of her new voice, yet hidden by the brutish angles and thickness of a hideously masculine build, Valkyrie flared outwards violently, characteristically, scolding the ludicrous suggestion that…

Her ostentatious display faltered suddenly.

Though her heart brandished insolence so easily, the winged woman could find no foundation for the stew of boiling hatred. Do I look so awful? She wondered vainly, recoiling her eyes to view the thickened knees beneath, appearing to withdraw away beneath a sudden tide of contemplation. Sorrow and self-pity too swiftly devoured the advancement of audacity, and her ugly frame reversed and turned, aiming retreat into the cover of undergrowth.

and when the wind did not blow her way,
she adjusted her sails.


Note: For clarity, Valkyrie is currently cursed - physically she appears as a stallion, cannot remember why she hates men, and views others as the opposite gender.
The ethereal maiden had not been given such a look of pure contempt since her father had disappeared. She had despised the look then, and she despised it now. It was a look she had seen Valkyrie give to every man she had seen. If he hadn't been male this jerk would have been a duplicate of her arrogant girl. Her existence seemed to be of great insult to this man. His words a scathing retort. Then without another word he was retreating.

As if! She let him go a few paces. Merely to keep herself from falling on the smaller man and knocking some respect into him. She let out a breath, then the shadows consumed her. Suddenly, like a demon from the darkness, she appeared before the stallion. A being of cosmic power and fury. Her plasma mane and tail raged around her like a heavenly storm. Her violet eyes glowing as she stared down at the man. "Tell me, little man." She began, her voice a smooth, dangerous drawl. "What makes you think I will let you get away after treating me so?"

Her head titled to one side as she stared him down out of the corner of her eye. "You posses a similar physique as Valkyrie, though surely not as refined. As well as her gear. If you have no relation to her, where did you get them? Pray that I like your answer." She advanced, her towering size bearing down on Valkyrie as a dark expression crossed her face. Her chin tucked close to her chest, ears forward as the battle-maiden within began to emerged. She was like a jungle cat. Every move elegant, precise, power, and deadly. "If you harmed her, I will show you no mercy. Now tell me, who are you?" All her guilty, all her anger and frustrations were raging within her as she struggled to hold herself back.

talk talk talk talk
Tell me a story
About how the sun loved the moon so much;
He died every night
to let her breath.
image credit to TayaRavena @

She stood in the storm

Ears slid backward, tempted by the sound of muffled steps as the larger violet stallion moved to pursue her, but when Valkyrie turned to meet the scornful words dancing warningly between them, a figure more imposing than she could have imagined towered threateningly above. K’yarie? Somewhere, in the depths of her self-obsessed sub-conscience, she knew that the goddess lurked beneath the shell of too-dense brawn. A sudden breathlessness robbed her lungs of fuel and she found herself cowering like a mouse in the ominous shadow of her divine friend’s wrath.

The scathing voice slithered forward like a riled up serpent, razor fangs bared, venom oozing.

Her light-blue gaze diverted, harrowed by the impressive smouldering eyes of the other and she felt for the first time in her life, frightened - properly. The goddess, otherworldly and laced with magic, was beautiful to behold, even in the most general situation, yet, as her fury frothed like the molten blood of a brimming peak, she became something more breathtaking than the paler, winged woman was able to fathom. I am her… thoughts cried desperately, lost upon the tongue which flailed between clenched teeth, hindered as the celestial monster advanced.

She willed wretchedly for her beloved spear to come, but alas, the weapon lay perfectly, irritatingly resistant across the puddled soil behind.

…and then, at last, as doom loomed like a storm cloud before her, Valkyrie found her voice.

It unleashed with exasperated anger, unchecked and unhinged, flailing forward with only as much elegance as the swan with one leg. “I am Valkyrie!” Like lead had suddenly become the organs pounding inside her, the Shieldmaiden felt the sudden weight of exhaustion. The shadows binding each fetlock pulled at the motion of her rekindled aggression, preventing her from launching a defence, and she lashed wildly towards them with gnashing teeth - for her patience had all but fizzled out. “It is me!” She reiterated despairingly, weariness leeching the heat prematurely from her tone; the last word seemed but a breath as her chin stooped and her shoulders began to sag.

and when the wind did not blow her way,
she adjusted her sails.

“I am Valkyrie!”

The words caused her broiling rage to recoil and she physically took a step back. Chin still tucked she titled her head as she took in the other. The emotions that raged across his face and wracked his body as he admitted this horrifying truth. The desperation in the stallion's voice as he compounded what he had said with another plea for her to believe him held her in stunned silence. Her ever observant eyes picked out every similarity between the masculine figure and her friend. She had seen them before, but now with the light of the truth revealed, things clicked into place. "How?" She breathed, coming closer again. The anger was replaced with a quiet shock, slowly replaced by a tender softness as she gazed down at the girl.

Disbelief touched her mind. Never before had she heard of a horse's gender being changed. Was this man lying to her in hopes that she'd take him at his word, as ridiculous as it was? She looked the other in the eyes. Though their frame was different, she saw her. Really saw her. She now had no doubt that this was the maiden that she had met, on a starry night atop the summit. "Oh my dear, sweet Valkyrie." She breathed, her voice like a soft breeze through a field of flowers. "I thought I had lost you."

She lowered he beautiful head in a graceful arch as she aimed to rub her check against the woman's. Tears misted her eyes, making them shine light glowing jewels. Though they never truly streamed down her face, remaining locked away in their corners. Relief mingled with the confusion and awe at seeing the maiden in such a state. She was alive. Seeing another with her things had her heart fearing for the worst and she had realized in that moment just how much the cocky girl had come to mean to her.

She did not apologize for terrifying her. Fore the girl had provoked her. She should have told her sooner. Should have come to her the moment this had happened. She was not so prideful shallow as to turn her away because she was now a stallion. But how had this happened? What had caused such a change, and why? The why was fairly easy for her to assume. The girl was abrasive and condescending. Her self-righteous attitude probably put her in this predicament. There were only three things she knew possessed this sort of power, the Rift and its two gods. What had transpired in the time they had been apart?
talk talk talk talk
Tell me a story
About how the sun loved the moon so much;
He died every night
to let her breath.
image credit to TayaRavena @

She stood in the storm

Valkyrie epitomised too many things that were wrong with her species, with mortals, outside the Rift, and perhaps also within. She was conceited, unkind, superficial and ridiculously chauvinistic, apparently entirely unable to conquer her narcissistic inclinations, yet, for all these aspects which soured her personality, the young horse held elements of bravery, cunning and cleverness; a potent, inconsistent blend that, by no trick of the imagination, had recently been her undoing. Hatred, vanity and single-mindedness yet blinded her interpretation of the lesson Hope had (perhaps) intended to bestow, and in truth, the curse inflicted upon her had (in these earliest of days), only served to reinforce the fundamental reasons for her loathing.

Instead of the warmth, relief and clarity which the deer-like deity’s emergence should have excited within the stony soul of the adolescent (it certainly had in her peers), Valkyrie felt nothing but jealousy, resentment and broiling, overwhelming indignation. The whole mixture of this unshakable negativity, combined with the capricious nature of her character, meant that her retreat into the Rift’s western wilderness had served for no greater purpose than to cement a greater need for vengeance.  

As through hit by epiphany (what else could it be?), K’yarie’s intimidating play of supremacy ceased entirely to exist - the Shieldmaiden felt an instant injection of empowerment. It was like a drug: validation. It was gratifying. The merciful goddess was pristine in every sense of the word as her rearward gliding step allowed better space to consider the brutish looking girl before her, while Valkyrie comparatively, was devious, dastardly and deceptive. This was the first time she had been able to sway, in a sense, the reaction of her idol to better indulge her selfish psyche; and it felt good.

It was brilliantly convenient, utterly irresistible.

Sombrely, those striking blue eyes caught the view of her company’s, undeniably playing on the startled reaction they detected. But amongst the manipulativeness bibbling to the surface, there was an honest sense of relief, for she was truly fond of the star-spangled woman who shared a good portion of her sexist, stereotyping values. K’yarie’s exquisite amethyst eyes glittered as her face moved nearer and Valkyrie greeted it with the softness of well-established affection. As their steamy skin collided, sizzling inaudibly in the rain, desire once more spiked the young Shieldmaiden's core.

“K’yarie, there is more…” she hummed, lipping with impossible tenderness (given her metal conscience), at the firm ridge of her friend’s longer, white, lowered nose. Perhaps the other had not yet glanced by her reflection - a pastime shared between them with equal enjoyment. “…you… you also look like a man. The words were issued quietly and though gentle, they were unable to reach the level of sympathy she might once have been capable of.

and when the wind did not blow her way,
she adjusted her sails.

K'yarie knew all to well of the child's personality flaws. In a way, she held much of the same views and sentimentalities as the towering woman. But there was a unrefined edge to the girl. She was all to aware of the way her blue eyes met her's. The goddess thought it kind of cute how she sought to play on the emotion that had earlier coursed through her. There was so much she had to learn. But like in a way a child tried to repeat the actions of their mother, Valkyrie sought to test her abilities on her.

She made no gesture to reprimand her. Let her test her legs. Funny, how the star-blessed could so easily brush off and overlook the deep flaws that marred this mare's soul. Where as if this personality was found in any other, she'd likely stamp their face in. Like she nearly had done to Valkyrie until she revealed her true identity. Her care for the girl had grown beyond that of a narcissistic mare bathing in the adoration of another, to a genuine fondness for the arrogant maiden.

Though she did not receive the answer she had be looking for, K'yarie received a new bit of information. She was almost gleeful in her declaration. Like a kid happy to find another sharing in her punishment. "Oh?" She questioned, stepping back once more. "Tell me then. Do I make for a radiantly, handsome man?" She turned to allow Val the run her gaze down the length of her bodice, every movement an addictive drug for the eye. Her elegant head cocked upward, chin lifted as she looked down at Val from the corner of her eye. She was bathed in the light of the solar flowers, the forest a dark backdrop behind. The stars danced within her pelt, sliding over muscle and accentuating every curve. While her hair waved and floated like purple, ghostly visions. She was a truly gorgeous being, and in no way a male.

It was curious that Valkyrie saw her as such though. This must be a part of her curse and she wondered if she would see a stallion as a mare in this state. They would have to experiment. But for now she would indulge herself. It was fun to tease the girl. She was all too aware of her disgust for males and was having way too much fun putting her on the spot. A little selfish payback for trying to manipulate her. Would Valkyrie give into her selective and self-important views, or would she crumble under the weight and desire to please her goddess? Did Valkyrie fear losing her enough to speak in a way that would please her?

talk talk talk talk
Tell me a story
About how the sun loved the moon so much;
He died every night
to let her breath.
image credit to TayaRavena @

ooc: Oh gosh, K'yarie strikes a pose. xD
She stood in the storm

Valkyrie was all for impressing the one creature in the Rift she felt was worthy of worship, but there was something horribly off-putting about the new nature of K’yarie’s thickened waist, the risen brawn beneath star-spotted ebon and the denseness of the skull which looked so perfectly chiselled - as a woman.

The adrenaline was slow to dissipate, simmering on gently through the pulsing labyrinth of her veins, preventing the Shieldmaiden’s thoughts to truly calm. Eye’s like ice found themselves criticising the fabric of the other’s ethereal quality, well, what had been, though she was certain to withhold that worsening opinion, and not let on.

It was obvious they were not admiring the same picture. “Not particularly…” she muttered in response with a low, throaty tone, unable to muster a lie even to favour her waiting idol. “No more radiant than the filth adorning me.” Pastel-pink nose dipped to butt against the squared bulge of her own, nauseatingly masculine shoulder.

Certainly, she couldn’t find the same light in the situation that apparently K’yarie could.

A man was a man: putrid, pathetic… an abomination generally. The sooner she could find a way to rid herself of this malediction, the better.

Like a sullen child, Valkyrie recoiled her ordinarily bountiful attention but found her eyes diverted heavenward, by the blinding brightness of the solar flowers. A question begged to be asked, teetering on the brink of existence, but she fastened her jaw upon it for the moment and inhaled a nose-full of rain. “I missed you, you know...” the pale girl offered simply.

With nothing better to do and a small sliver of gratitude in her stone-like heart for the familiar kind of company the celestial one offered, the cursed adolescent devoted the remainder of her day to fussing over the alien flowers and distracting uncomfortable topics with entirely pointless small talk.

and when the wind did not blow her way,
she adjusted her sails.
